I can view pics if I switch to IE-- and that's saying something about this site, because I detest IE and haven't opened the virus-sucking thing in over two years (I'm a Mozilla fan, m'self). But you gotta do what you gotta do, I guess. I still have to figure out what's causing Mozilla to freak out, because it messes up on a lot of sites now if they have any Flash or even streaming video on them. I can't live without delicious YouTube Jrock videos. I mean, c'mon. That'd just be inhuman.
In other news: It snowed like ten inches here, and now it's snowing MORE. I vowed I would make a snowman this year, and dammit, I plan to. It's just that tomorrow is Christmas Shopping Day, so it'll have to wait. The backyard is still pristine and untrod, so it'll hopefully keep 'til the end of the week, when I have another day off and can devote myself to making a proper Snow Monster.
Dammit, I need a photographer. I really want some pretty pictures of myself. Whole-body shots, even, instead of just the craptastic ones I take myself that only show me from the neck up. I have awesome clothes, but you'd never know it from the pics.
You know, just from reading what I write here, you'd think I was a shallow idiot. Whatever poetry exists in my Dollar Store bargain bin soul deserts me when I type up entries at SG. I have poetry in my soul, honest. It's just that it starts out sonnets but translates into pop lyrics somewhere along the way. (So it starts as Shakespeare and digests into Britney Spears? Ew, what a horrid thought.)
Um, yeah. I'mma go play Final Fantasy X-2 now.
In other news: It snowed like ten inches here, and now it's snowing MORE. I vowed I would make a snowman this year, and dammit, I plan to. It's just that tomorrow is Christmas Shopping Day, so it'll have to wait. The backyard is still pristine and untrod, so it'll hopefully keep 'til the end of the week, when I have another day off and can devote myself to making a proper Snow Monster.
Dammit, I need a photographer. I really want some pretty pictures of myself. Whole-body shots, even, instead of just the craptastic ones I take myself that only show me from the neck up. I have awesome clothes, but you'd never know it from the pics.
You know, just from reading what I write here, you'd think I was a shallow idiot. Whatever poetry exists in my Dollar Store bargain bin soul deserts me when I type up entries at SG. I have poetry in my soul, honest. It's just that it starts out sonnets but translates into pop lyrics somewhere along the way. (So it starts as Shakespeare and digests into Britney Spears? Ew, what a horrid thought.)
Um, yeah. I'mma go play Final Fantasy X-2 now.