I always wonder how people come across my journal, and why, after apparently doing so, they want to add me to their friendslists.
Are you people quite MAD? I say absolutely nothing of consequence!
I wish I could tell myself they're friending me for my looks, but... No.
I have a day off tomorrow. I'm going to SLEEP like I've never slept before.
My ears...
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Are you people quite MAD? I say absolutely nothing of consequence!
I wish I could tell myself they're friending me for my looks, but... No.
I have a day off tomorrow. I'm going to SLEEP like I've never slept before.
My ears...
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So into Dir en grey at the moment. Gods, I wish I could go to a Japan for a concert. Nevermind that Deg concerts can get kinda crazy and I'd probably get kicked in the head. It would be worth it just to listen to Kyo scream.
I need to take more pictures of myself. o_o My hair grows so fast. It's almost down to...
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I need to take more pictures of myself. o_o My hair grows so fast. It's almost down to...
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Who are you thinking of cosplaying as? I'm seriously deciding between Lulu (my favorite FF girl) or Rei (Evangelion). Hopefully won't be busy when the conventions roll around.
YES. More pictures!
YES. More pictures!
cute profile pic
I soooooooooo wish I could go to a Deg's concert as well, sometimes I'm afraid they disband before I can see them oh, no, no, stupid idea, get out of my head!!
I soooooooooo wish I could go to a Deg's concert as well, sometimes I'm afraid they disband before I can see them oh, no, no, stupid idea, get out of my head!!
Not sick anymore! Yay!
My life has been literally consumed by video games, anime, writing, and drawing lately. I keep forgetting to, you know, update this. >_> Oops.
Boyfriend should be here soon. W00t!
My life has been literally consumed by video games, anime, writing, and drawing lately. I keep forgetting to, you know, update this. >_> Oops.
Boyfriend should be here soon. W00t!
Yay! You're back. ^^ <3
Sometimes, I think life should be just all video games and anime.
Sometimes, I think life should be just all video games and anime.
I am sick once again. I have the chills and a sore throat. Can't I be well for more than a week, for fuck's sake?
hope you feel better soon.
thats a bummer. im one of those lucky enough to never actually get sick. good thing too, because im a total wuss when im sick. eat plenty, and get some rest. itll pass
Human beings bore me lately. That's a bad sign. If only they didn't all seem to be the SAME... Especially around where I live. It's like they cloned about five people, made minor variations in hair coloring, and turned them loose to populate the state with their disgusting Old Navy blandness.
At least today is going to be nice. It's supposed to get up into...
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At least today is going to be nice. It's supposed to get up into...
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people...are people.
I think exactly the same. they all should DIE, wel, or at least be less narrow-minded...
are you from France?I saw you've got a crush on japanese stuff so, I felt like, attracted
I think exactly the same. they all should DIE, wel, or at least be less narrow-minded...
are you from France?I saw you've got a crush on japanese stuff so, I felt like, attracted
in the hook-up you're located in Frane o.o that's why I was wondering ^.^;;;
yay for Dir en Grey and Kagerou
you look cute and you've got a hide plushy, so, ok, I marry you
in the hook-up you're located in Frane o.o that's why I was wondering ^.^;;;
yay for Dir en Grey and Kagerou
you look cute and you've got a hide plushy, so, ok, I marry you
My little sister has applied to be an SG, too. o_o Where oh where did our mother go wrong? XD
Although I'll probably cry if SHE gets a set accepted and I don't... She's always been the pretty one. v_v Listen to my ego die like a starving wildebeest.
I am getting bored with my hair again. I'm trying to avoid cutting it off, but...
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Although I'll probably cry if SHE gets a set accepted and I don't... She's always been the pretty one. v_v Listen to my ego die like a starving wildebeest.
I am getting bored with my hair again. I'm trying to avoid cutting it off, but...
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That's pretty cool, though. Wish any part of my family would be acceptive to something like SG.
I have the urge to chop off all my hair from time to time too. Where does it come from? It's like... PMS.
I have the urge to chop off all my hair from time to time too. Where does it come from? It's like... PMS.
That'd be cool if you both got sets in. Has that happened before on here?
Today at work, my boyfriend was mistaken for a woman by a senile old man.
It was wonderful. No, seriously. This was the high point of my DAY. (Note: My boyfriend, sadly, does not look like a woman at all. I sort of wish he did. I love androgynous boys.)
In other news, I am still trying to get my filthy mitts on a PS2....
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It was wonderful. No, seriously. This was the high point of my DAY. (Note: My boyfriend, sadly, does not look like a woman at all. I sort of wish he did. I love androgynous boys.)
In other news, I am still trying to get my filthy mitts on a PS2....
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He he... I love it when that sort of thing happens. What did the old guy say?
Very cute braids! Wish my hair was long enough to do that!
have a great day sweetie!!!
I spy pocky --- in chocolate.
Hot pictures! You've got that evil look downnn.
Hot pictures! You've got that evil look downnn.
sAcred sKin Tattoo and Cush Lounge(1806 e north ave. milwaukees east side) are getting together for Marked Mondays this monday the 24th. giving away gift certificates, t shirts, and some of my airbrush paintings too. we will also have the collaborative drawing again, drink specials, and no cover! should be a good time and hope you can make it.
The new SG for today likes J-rock!
I think I'm in love now. XD I've been WAITING for a person who actually likes J-rock to become an SG. I'm a little bit sad that I'm not the first, however. Boo.
But oh well. New favorite!
I think I'm in love now. XD I've been WAITING for a person who actually likes J-rock to become an SG. I'm a little bit sad that I'm not the first, however. Boo.
But oh well. New favorite!
Am going to a "pajama party" tomorrow, hosted by my friend Debbie. Independent of each other, Debbie and I bought the exact same pajamas for the event. How embarrassing. o.o
In other news, I hate snow with a passion that borders on the unholy. Damn soggy wet stuff! It coats the ground like fluffy DOOM.
And it makes the bottom of my pantses wet. We...
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In other news, I hate snow with a passion that borders on the unholy. Damn soggy wet stuff! It coats the ground like fluffy DOOM.
And it makes the bottom of my pantses wet. We...
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Buying the same pair of pants as your friend independent is fate's way of spoiling a woman's need to be independent and alluring. Fate is a dude. I want to marry fate.
Snow rules. I love snow and I love wet pants. Reminds me of all those dark days walking towards Valhalla.
The drawings in the last few entries were cute but you could do better then that. Stop deluding yourself. You have the talent. Now show it off.
And....I'm out.
Snow rules. I love snow and I love wet pants. Reminds me of all those dark days walking towards Valhalla.
The drawings in the last few entries were cute but you could do better then that. Stop deluding yourself. You have the talent. Now show it off.
And....I'm out.
I HAVE TO add people who loves Dir en Grey to my friends list among other things
and especially people who loves Toshiya's songs!! "egnirys cimredopyh" is quite great too +.+
what do you mean Kyo's songs are scary and crazy?
ahahhhh, yes, he's scary and crazy...but no luck for him, he's also tiny tiny cute, wish I could cuddle him to death!