I saw two of the most beautiful girls in the world today. And now I'm wondering if they were SGs. o_o
Okay, the rundown: I work in a used bookstore. We buy and sell used books and things, so people come in all day with bags and boxes full of books, CDs, DVDs, all that sort of thing.
Anyway, two young women came in today...
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Okay, the rundown: I work in a used bookstore. We buy and sell used books and things, so people come in all day with bags and boxes full of books, CDs, DVDs, all that sort of thing.
Anyway, two young women came in today...
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God-fucking-DAMMIT. I'm about to be in big trouble, and all because I ranted LJ-style and, as feminist rants tend to do, it enticed idiots into posting their two cents. I am fine with that, I can handle Teh Stupids, but what I CAN'T do is stop commenters from talking to OTHER commenters. So now my entry is a seething pit of mutual dislike and if...
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Dammit, I cannot get past "Make a Star 7" on Katamari Damacy. It's driving me crazy. Ten minutes is not long enough to make a 6m katamari! *shakes fist at the King of All Cosmos*
Well, back to trying. *sigh*
Well, back to trying. *sigh*
Almost-disaster averted!
See, I was supposed to get an eye exam and all that today. At least, that's what Foolish Boy At The Counter told me when I scheduled the appointment. But when I got there, I found out I'd been scheduled for the NEXT Thursday, and there was no doctor in today!
But the lady at the counter, sympathetic to my lack-of-vision plight, managed...
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See, I was supposed to get an eye exam and all that today. At least, that's what Foolish Boy At The Counter told me when I scheduled the appointment. But when I got there, I found out I'd been scheduled for the NEXT Thursday, and there was no doctor in today!
But the lady at the counter, sympathetic to my lack-of-vision plight, managed...
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Dude. What is it about me that makes all my posts (on boards and the like) thread-killers? I'm slightly mystified. Here I am, thinking I'm a remotely nifty lass, but the evidence speaks to the contrary. The threads die, or I get no replies, et cetera et cetera my heart weeps tears of darkest despair. Okay, not really. It actually weeps tears of vaguely cloudy...
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Dunno... you seem pretty nifty to me! Nice hat, too.
I say go for the hair cut, because... well, why not? And I've just got two new pairs of glasses too - I sat on my old pair and crushed them beyond all usefulness. It wasn't until then that I realised how old and rum they looked. Nifty new frames for me!
I say go for the hair cut, because... well, why not? And I've just got two new pairs of glasses too - I sat on my old pair and crushed them beyond all usefulness. It wasn't until then that I realised how old and rum they looked. Nifty new frames for me!
double post - not my fault!
All I've done today is sit on my ass. Er, and dye my hair, but that really doesn't feel like something I can put in the "Useful Expenditure of Time" category. (Maybe if it had come out tres awesome, but in fact it did not. Sigh.)
Also, I would like to state right now that I hate the cold. I simply can't get warm today,...
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Also, I would like to state right now that I hate the cold. I simply can't get warm today,...
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ah yes, good ole coffee. sweet (or bitter, i guess), perculated nectur of the gods. who needs white teeth, fresh breath, calm nerves, or steady hands, when you can feel like god for roughly an hour or so. that's totally a fair trade off.
Finally did the actual APPLYING thing here at SG. Got through the first round, i.e. "Show us your face and we'll decide if you're too fugly for the site or not". I got the "looks like you're perfect for the site!" form letter in reply, so I guess I'm not fugly. XD Yey!
I've got a great idea for a set. I just need a...
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I've got a great idea for a set. I just need a...
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YES! thats the best News I have ever heard. I want signed naked pics of you. In fact I demand them. I hope you are keeping well!