So, yesterday was a shit ass day full of assy shit.
It was a disasterous domino effect that wouldn't stop and it sucked the life out of me. But today I'm full of optimism and love
and it feels fabulous! I'm still a little sick, but I feel waaaay better today, so this is a good thing.
I'm way stoked cause I'm getting my chest tattoo sooner than I thought! (End of April-ish) Even cooler though, my man is FINALLY getting his tattoo that matches his ex-wife's, COVERED!!!! Hellz fucking yes! This will be such a relief for both of us..
I'm so sick of looking at it and playing the "Brian & Jamie" movie in my head... over and over again. This is really exciting for me! (us)
I had to go to the flippin social security office today, but it didn't take me very long, another good thing! I went to the one in Glendale which is an hour away from my house,but in the same town that Cokedrinker5 works at and my mom lives in... so I'm chillin' here at my moms, restless and no much to do, but relaxing, waiting for Brian to get off work so we can go home and I can go to Bio lab today.
And if you havn't seen my st. patty pics, come Here and see!!
But, here are some pictures I took today that I like to call: bored as fuck.
Oooh Ba-JEEZ-US!! Can you tell I have NOTHING to do!!?? wow... sorry for the obscene amount of pictures, I'm such a nerd!
Oh, and make me the happiest
thank you for bringing so much love and sunshine in my life, I love you madly!
(and Stylar, you're a babe and i freaking LOVE you!)

I'm way stoked cause I'm getting my chest tattoo sooner than I thought! (End of April-ish) Even cooler though, my man is FINALLY getting his tattoo that matches his ex-wife's, COVERED!!!! Hellz fucking yes! This will be such a relief for both of us..

I had to go to the flippin social security office today, but it didn't take me very long, another good thing! I went to the one in Glendale which is an hour away from my house,but in the same town that Cokedrinker5 works at and my mom lives in... so I'm chillin' here at my moms, restless and no much to do, but relaxing, waiting for Brian to get off work so we can go home and I can go to Bio lab today.
And if you havn't seen my st. patty pics, come Here and see!!

But, here are some pictures I took today that I like to call: bored as fuck.

Oooh Ba-JEEZ-US!! Can you tell I have NOTHING to do!!?? wow... sorry for the obscene amount of pictures, I'm such a nerd!

Oh, and make me the happiest

(and Stylar, you're a babe and i freaking LOVE you!)

looking pretty sweet in these shots you've got going here..but lets be honest, you didnt post em out of boredom you know everyone wants to see your nekkid bits