Hi everyone, hope all is well with each of you!
So, I'm writing an essay for my english class. We had to find two essays by two different authors regarding a topic where the two authors have very different view points on the same issue.
My topic: Feminists on Pornography.
I have one feministic view point which is FOR pornography; here are a few of her quotes:
"Most of the people who want to censor girlie magazines are equally opposed to open discussion of issues that are of vital concern to women: rape, abortion, menstruation, contraception, lesbianism-in fact, the entier range of sexual experience from a women's viewpoint."
"The impulse to censor places no faith in the possibilities of democratic persuasion... It isn't easy to persuade certain men that they have better uses for $1.95 each month than to spend it on a copy of Hustler? Well, then, give the men no choice in the matter."
*And my personal favorite:
"Many feminist arguments for controls on pornography carry the implicit conviction that porn books, magazines, and movies pose a greater threat to women than similarly repulsive exercises of free speech pose to everyone-regardless of race, creed, or sex - who has ever argued in favor of abridging the First Amendment. It is the argument used by some Jews who have withdrawn their support from the American Civl Liberties Union because it has defended the right of American Nazis to march through a community inhabited by survivors of Hitler's concentration camps......... " "...But it is ridiculous to suggest that the porn shops on 42nd street are more disgusting to women than a march of neo-Nazis is to survivors of the extermination camps."
Then there is the opposing side, the feminist AGAINST porn. Here are a few of her quotes:
"To equate the free and robust exchange of ideas and political debate with commercial exploitation of obscene material demeans the grand conception of the First Amendment and its high purposes in the historic struggle for freedom. It is a misuse of the great guarentees of free speech and free press."
"The feminist objection to pornography is based on our belief that pornography represents hatred of women, that pornography's intent is to humiliate, degrade, and dehumanize the female body for the purpose of erotic stimulation and pleasure."
"They have everything to do with the creation of a cultural climate in which a rapist feels he is merely giving in to a normal urge and a woman is encouraged to believe that sexual masochism is healthy, liberated fun."
Obviously, my stance is FOR, and not against, pornography. We've come a long way baby. There is nothing wrong or demeaning about a naked body, in fact, I'm offended that a feminist would state that nudity and porn is demeaning to women. No, quite the opposite. The fact that we, as women, are able express are sexuality, bare our naked breasts and sexual organs publicly, without being stoned or labled a whore, is empowering. The naked body and sex is just as much a part of nature as a forrest full of beautiful trees. We should not be ashamed of what we were born with.
What are your thoughts? I would love to know, for personal and research purposes.

So, I'm writing an essay for my english class. We had to find two essays by two different authors regarding a topic where the two authors have very different view points on the same issue.
My topic: Feminists on Pornography.
I have one feministic view point which is FOR pornography; here are a few of her quotes:
"Most of the people who want to censor girlie magazines are equally opposed to open discussion of issues that are of vital concern to women: rape, abortion, menstruation, contraception, lesbianism-in fact, the entier range of sexual experience from a women's viewpoint."
"The impulse to censor places no faith in the possibilities of democratic persuasion... It isn't easy to persuade certain men that they have better uses for $1.95 each month than to spend it on a copy of Hustler? Well, then, give the men no choice in the matter."
*And my personal favorite:
"Many feminist arguments for controls on pornography carry the implicit conviction that porn books, magazines, and movies pose a greater threat to women than similarly repulsive exercises of free speech pose to everyone-regardless of race, creed, or sex - who has ever argued in favor of abridging the First Amendment. It is the argument used by some Jews who have withdrawn their support from the American Civl Liberties Union because it has defended the right of American Nazis to march through a community inhabited by survivors of Hitler's concentration camps......... " "...But it is ridiculous to suggest that the porn shops on 42nd street are more disgusting to women than a march of neo-Nazis is to survivors of the extermination camps."
Then there is the opposing side, the feminist AGAINST porn. Here are a few of her quotes:
"To equate the free and robust exchange of ideas and political debate with commercial exploitation of obscene material demeans the grand conception of the First Amendment and its high purposes in the historic struggle for freedom. It is a misuse of the great guarentees of free speech and free press."
"The feminist objection to pornography is based on our belief that pornography represents hatred of women, that pornography's intent is to humiliate, degrade, and dehumanize the female body for the purpose of erotic stimulation and pleasure."
"They have everything to do with the creation of a cultural climate in which a rapist feels he is merely giving in to a normal urge and a woman is encouraged to believe that sexual masochism is healthy, liberated fun."
Obviously, my stance is FOR, and not against, pornography. We've come a long way baby. There is nothing wrong or demeaning about a naked body, in fact, I'm offended that a feminist would state that nudity and porn is demeaning to women. No, quite the opposite. The fact that we, as women, are able express are sexuality, bare our naked breasts and sexual organs publicly, without being stoned or labled a whore, is empowering. The naked body and sex is just as much a part of nature as a forrest full of beautiful trees. We should not be ashamed of what we were born with.
What are your thoughts? I would love to know, for personal and research purposes.
Anyway, obviously (maybe...) I'm a man, so I'm definitely FOR Pornography !!
Despite the fact that it is getting more and more violent and vulgare (just see how grew some things like Anal, Fisting, DP, DT, etc...), it is an extraodinary way to relief anxiety, stress and frustration... SOme feminist I know are likely to say that the woman is always seen as an object, that it give men more and more the idea that it is easy to do whatever you want to a woman, and that it definitely kills Love feelings and crap. I disagree for myself. But, hey, everyone can think what he wants, but it would always exist.... I hope so !
I just regret there is still a lot of perversion in Porn industry that have to be punish. DOn't need to mention them...
Anyway, good luck for your essay !