classic waits
Love Tom Waits....Jockey Full of Bourbon is my favorite song by him but he has a ton of good stuff.
it's a toss up between that song and this one for my favorite. but it's hard to pin the hat on any of them.
insomnia makes introspection easier.

i can't fucking sleep for shit. i dont know why, i've never had problems sleeping however here i am night after night after night wide awake. aggravating.
I haven't updated in forever. not that anybody actually reads this anyways. been working my ass off up until the recent weather change. turned 31 last week. went and saw bob dylan for my birthday wasn't that impressed unfortunately. but what can you do. got a new smoker looking forward to trying it out this weekend. gonna smoke a big fat pork butt till its...
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hey stranger! hows things
the air is getting better around here however after a day working it feels like a day in the mountains working really hard.

i am tired from breathing all the crappy air too. i just wanna take a nap.

the kicker of it all was today i spent all day in an attic installing a furnace. so it was even hotter than the too hot...
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I am
so fucking bored right now.

somebody call me before i internet kill myself

first my wifey gets to go to vegas then other people get to go to vegas. then there is krass and lambo field.

then there is me sitting in a pair of shorts with my fat belly hanging out sitting in front of the intardweb dumbing myself down while i...
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Don't die!!!

For the record, today it was "the Lost Tracks of Danzig", but any of his work will do biggrin

Red Dwarf is the balls!! Way better than working especially when accompanied by puppies.
Thank you very much for your sweet comment on my set.
stellae kiss kiss

fucking hell.

it's been hot out. the porch said 110 humidity has added to it's miserableness. went for a brief ride today felt like i was riding through a blow dryer no fun now my panties are all wet. stopped for some mexican. ate a birria taco. birria tastes like sheep if it sat out for a bit and i marinated it with ballsweat with...
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long day

san diego comic con working at the stargate booth. nikita was working with a couple other girls shaving heads and spraying the atlantis symbol into their heads. today nobody went for a full on shave. almost got a girl to give up her locks but nikita yelled at me for being overly flirty. i truly felt like el diablo no you would look...
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it's nice when some sort of fiasco job turns into something nice and convenient. todays job and the last job looked like they would be total nightmares. however they have thus far turned into decent jobs despite hanging out in an attic all afternoon.

the beer i have is lame too much hops or malt or something. not sure but i'm not digging it.

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today was interesting.

guy from accident yesterday morning was dead kinda sad to think that a random person you see everyday around the neighborhood is dead and i saw him just lying there and didn't bother to stop (as though i could do anything about it). just called 911 and went on my way. too little too late i suppose. they closed a lane of...
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Today was a day that could have been any other day however it was today.

i got up at 5am to go to an early job. i woke at 445 because i had to go pee. i do the regularly like my internal clock knows that i will have to be up in 15 minutes so everyday it wakes me up 15 minutes prior to...
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