after a craptastic week last night made up for it. went to see my friends band. they are wrapping up a west coast tour and made it all the way down. hadn't seen him in ages.
before the show went to eat some bbq next door. had a few beers and some tasty smoked meats. in strolls my friend along with the rest of the band. so i bought them some dinner. we hung out bullshitted for awhile. finished up and then one of the band members decided they wanted some coffee so we took a nice stroll to the starbucks.
last night the marine layer came in and kept it a little warm we sat out on the patio shot this shit. talked new music argued about new music. a couple of the band members broke out the phone pics conversations over shaved nuts and how to get the biggest load. duff swears by zinc. talked about cormac mccarthy and john hillcoats new movie.
strolled on back to the venue where they whined about having to close the show and how it was an old man tour. this show being the latest one yet 9 oclock set time for the viper room.
discussions about what there isn't to do in san diego. disagreements about lego land. the band piles in the van for a pre show meeting. no drinking no drugs kinda anti rock n roll def an old mans tour.
i head inside with my other buddy their soundguy hang with him while he sets up. stroll in no cover despite having bought tickets earlier online. one of the workers of the venue is squawking about needing some fives. traded a couple of twenties worth with him. smoke some cigarettes while waiting for an opening act to finish out their set.
go get a drink ,get bought a drink from the guy with the fives apparently an owner. he hands me his card if you ever need tickets call me and your in. he thinks i'm with the band. i guess i kinda am but not really. just happy to see an old friend doing well.
the band goes onstage finally. first time hearing their stuff i was impressed they had a good feel to them and each of the members had their own style that melted well. together. there onstage my buddy is transformed into some sort of monster beating the shit out of his weird assed keyboard setup i think he's been watching jerry lee lewis footage.
they blast through their first album and a couple new songs. then the show was over. i helped load up their gear laughed at seeing him playing the rockstar signing autographs and taking pictures with people.
made plans for my trip up to seattle in february. get the old bar staff together and pretend we aren't getting old and haggard, getting married, domesticated and breeding.
said our goodbyes and headed our separate ways.
if they come to your town check them out. four guys that love what they do.
the walking papers
sorry no pics i'm not much for taking them and despite the desires of the 13 year old fan in me i didn't have the courage/audacity to ask to take a picture with Duff. but talking about Cormac McCarthy (apparently both of our favorite author) was waaaay fucking cool and considering the crazy shit that went down in my hood this week it made it more than worth it.
it's not often you can meet one of your idols and not be dissapointed. i feel comfortable saying that seeing guns n roses on mtv all burned out and dangerous looking shaped me in my younger days and i knew with the first rift i wanted to be a rock star. that didn't happen but it didn't stop my love for music or the seedier side of life either.
before the show went to eat some bbq next door. had a few beers and some tasty smoked meats. in strolls my friend along with the rest of the band. so i bought them some dinner. we hung out bullshitted for awhile. finished up and then one of the band members decided they wanted some coffee so we took a nice stroll to the starbucks.
last night the marine layer came in and kept it a little warm we sat out on the patio shot this shit. talked new music argued about new music. a couple of the band members broke out the phone pics conversations over shaved nuts and how to get the biggest load. duff swears by zinc. talked about cormac mccarthy and john hillcoats new movie.
strolled on back to the venue where they whined about having to close the show and how it was an old man tour. this show being the latest one yet 9 oclock set time for the viper room.
discussions about what there isn't to do in san diego. disagreements about lego land. the band piles in the van for a pre show meeting. no drinking no drugs kinda anti rock n roll def an old mans tour.
i head inside with my other buddy their soundguy hang with him while he sets up. stroll in no cover despite having bought tickets earlier online. one of the workers of the venue is squawking about needing some fives. traded a couple of twenties worth with him. smoke some cigarettes while waiting for an opening act to finish out their set.
go get a drink ,get bought a drink from the guy with the fives apparently an owner. he hands me his card if you ever need tickets call me and your in. he thinks i'm with the band. i guess i kinda am but not really. just happy to see an old friend doing well.
the band goes onstage finally. first time hearing their stuff i was impressed they had a good feel to them and each of the members had their own style that melted well. together. there onstage my buddy is transformed into some sort of monster beating the shit out of his weird assed keyboard setup i think he's been watching jerry lee lewis footage.
they blast through their first album and a couple new songs. then the show was over. i helped load up their gear laughed at seeing him playing the rockstar signing autographs and taking pictures with people.
made plans for my trip up to seattle in february. get the old bar staff together and pretend we aren't getting old and haggard, getting married, domesticated and breeding.
said our goodbyes and headed our separate ways.
if they come to your town check them out. four guys that love what they do.
the walking papers
sorry no pics i'm not much for taking them and despite the desires of the 13 year old fan in me i didn't have the courage/audacity to ask to take a picture with Duff. but talking about Cormac McCarthy (apparently both of our favorite author) was waaaay fucking cool and considering the crazy shit that went down in my hood this week it made it more than worth it.
it's not often you can meet one of your idols and not be dissapointed. i feel comfortable saying that seeing guns n roses on mtv all burned out and dangerous looking shaped me in my younger days and i knew with the first rift i wanted to be a rock star. that didn't happen but it didn't stop my love for music or the seedier side of life either.
Sounds like a great time all around ....glad you had fun 

I will have to check them out.