Occasionally you go on a jobsite that a coworker has been previously and you see some fucked up stuff. i went behind one today that was appalling. one of those things where there is no excuse for what was done there and yes the customer said yes to the stuff installed but only cause they had no idea what it was and if they did they would be like are you fucking kidding me? any repairs on something this old and haggard are a waste of money. it goes a step beyond when they weren't repairs but upsells that wouldn't benefit the customer in the slightest bit. i snapped a few pictures. and now am sitting here wondering if i send them to the owner of the company to show him what his star golden boy has been up to. brand new guy. selling double what our top salesmen are selling. guys that were already considered to have loose morals in regards to selling shit people dont need.
so the flip of the coin.
one side i am a snitch tattletelling on somebody that i am jealous of (or at least his paychecks) and rather than focusing on my own sales and business.
other side i open the bosses eyes to the shit that this guy has been up to. perhaps make him take a look at keeping this guy around who will only eventually bring the companies reputation unchecked.
so i'm kinda at a stalemate. is the greater good actually altruistic or is it hoping the result will end up with one less guy taking the best jobs.
so the flip of the coin.
one side i am a snitch tattletelling on somebody that i am jealous of (or at least his paychecks) and rather than focusing on my own sales and business.
other side i open the bosses eyes to the shit that this guy has been up to. perhaps make him take a look at keeping this guy around who will only eventually bring the companies reputation unchecked.
so i'm kinda at a stalemate. is the greater good actually altruistic or is it hoping the result will end up with one less guy taking the best jobs.
If the quality control guy doesn't do anything, then speak with the owner, "Hey mr owner, I have been on a few job sites and this is what I have found. I know our company is known for higher quality workmanship than this."
(You could also lose your gig, pointing out the failure of the golden boy.)
Good luck. rocking the boat sucks, but sometimes that what it takes to save a company.