I am
so fucking bored right now.
somebody call me before i internet kill myself
first my wifey gets to go to vegas then other people get to go to vegas. then there is krass and lambo field.
then there is me sitting in a pair of shorts with my fat belly hanging out sitting in front of the intardweb dumbing myself down while i host "unsactioned dog fights" in my living room. thus far the pug is winning despite loosing her collar. to be fair though hank cant fit under low objects.
today i watched red dwarf season 1 and once upon a time in the west along with 3:10 to yuma (the original) without seeing the new one go see the original it is fucking AWESOME. i wish the western channel would play more of these types of movies and not so much rifleman and gene autrey. not that that's bad but not my style. either way good great flick. the new one will have quite a bit to live up to and to talk about it would waste the plot on deaf ears. once upon a time in america was awesome as well sergio leones last flick about a jewish mobster and his life. it is long 3-4 hours and intricate however it flows well and once it starts rolling the time rarely slows. in my opinion far better than the godfather as prohibition era mob flicks go. (i still like marties flicks the best).
felt like shit this morning so i decided to call in sick and fuck off for the day. anytime i dont feel good it relflects in my customer service so i said fuck it me day. curled up with my dogs and watched som movies. now i'm out of flicks out of company and bored give me a call
619-549-9649. the reality is this is a sad and futile attempt for attention who will bite?
For the record, today it was "the Lost Tracks of Danzig", but any of his work will do
Red Dwarf is the balls!! Way better than working especially when accompanied by puppies.