Girls like @roseryan don't come along very often. But when they do, you better appreciate! Everything about her is the essence of perfection. That look alone is enough to explode a million hearts.
Girls like @roseryan don't come along very often. But when they do, you better appreciate! Everything about her is the essence of perfection. That look alone is enough to explode a million hearts.
Wow! I just discovered the brand new debut set from new SGHopeful @xohopeiero and what else is there to say other than "Wow!". An absolutely stunning debut. This Goddess should definitely be going PINK in no time.
Today i really really wish I knew how to speak Spanish. SuicideGirls has just blessed us with sets featuring amazing Spanish beauties @trece and @yuxi . They are 2 of the most heart stopping sets I've seen in a long time. These 2 phenomenal Goddesses have just skyrocketed to the straight into top of my personal favourite SuicideGirls list. Do yourselves a favor and check
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I get home from work, log into SG and I'm treated to brand new, stunning sets from some of my favourite gorgeous SG Hopefuls, @bahia , @wilhelmine , and @usagi !! As well as a new set from the ever lovely Goddess @ceres , and the jaw dropping Set of the Day featuring the unreal 1-2 punch of @ness and @fay !! Don't know what...
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Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Go directly to the brand new set of amazing SGHopeful @faun and fall in love! Amazing ink, deep blue/grey eyes, fun personality. She's got it all. If this lady isn't Pink'd, and soon, there is no justice in the universe!
Halloween, the greatest holiday of all, is over and past us. But remember, "The Monster Mash" (IMHO, one of the greatest songs of all time, novelty or otherwise) is a graveyard smash any time of year. I'll be playing it on Christmas, at next years 4h of July BBQ's, on Valentine's Day to create a spooky, yet romantic mood, and just about any other time...
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Absolutely blown away this morning by the first set from brand new SG Hopeful @warmkitty! Blonde hair. Bangs. Red Lips. An amazing body. She's got it all. A true timeless classic beauty. Check her out immediately!!