its all bollocks..i fucking hate my job and made a decision yesterday to activly start looking for another
Sometimes just looking makes you feel better!
quite true ... you are wise beyond your years
Stolen from Jackie (who by the way is stunning)

she stole it from saffa who stole it from 'summer' who stole it from 'fanny'

the answers are to the best of my knowledge correct at time of going to press

1. What did you do in 2005 that you'd never done before?
Lost my marbles just before Christmas! Just ever so slightly! Brought on by...
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tourettes is great, one girl was puttingiit on!
new year started off quite shite! well hoopefully it cant get any worse ...can it?
Estate agents and solicitors are cunts at the best of times!! i have today spent half the day sorting there fucking things out that im paying them nearly 5 grand for! then he had the cheek to say" Ohh I knew we could sort that out with a few phone calls" where the fuck did "we" bit come from the shit stabber! Im going to...
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I know wot you mean! You pay for a survey to be carried out on the house to make sure its ok, but have to sign something so if they miss something, like mould or damp, then u can't claim off them... wots the point of them doing the survey... could have looked for ourselves thanks! I think i'm in the wrong business!

Anyway, hows u? Made any cool beds as christmas presents? smile

Hope ur good. x
You just had to go and out-do me on the property valuation didn't you?! tongue
What a shite weekend i had! Even though i went out on a big bender on Friday night with a load of mates, i started to regret it Saturday when i had to work to 3.44 am sunday morning to get a couple of beds made for delivery on Sunday afternoon in Scunthorpe...i live in bath so a 4 hour drive ensued! i got so...
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Why thank you very much indeed! smile
Fuck anal cunt monkey spunk licking philistine. wink

I'm about to put my house on the market and have all this to come ... just reading your journal has made me remember how much I hated the estate agents and my solicitor when I originally bought it!
Stolen from Mooj

1. What is the middle name of the first person you ever slept with or had sex with?
A. now that is a good question for which I do not have an answer to... to be honest I cant remember..ohh ohh yes i can remember her first name... Lorraine blimey I can even remember her second name...Pa...I wont embarass her just in...
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ok ok your super powers are greater than my measily power...you have top trumped me! LOL
It would be loads easier if you replied in my journal! Doh! LOL!

I win ... woo hooooooo surreal
well ..when in Rome

[A is for age:] - 35
[B is for booze of choice:] - Bottles of Bud.. yeah i know so 80's but so am i! lol

[C is for career:] - Buying parts for military thingamebobs

[D is for your dad's name:] - Lewis
[E is for essential items to bring to a party:] - sense of humour, stink bombs
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Hey! Hows you??? Good weekend?

I've got some freshly printed Monopoly money to pay for my baby pink camper van bed!??? When can i have it?
biggrin biggrin biggrin

when ever you like! as long as i can come round and set it up for you!
Friday night and im sober once again! This is all going to change next friday as im out on an all dayer! This is after i have moved house though! So an alldayer could turn into a rushed out by 9 at night! and binge drink as much as i can....pubs open 24 hrs now? woohoo

i better leave 80 for the on the spot...
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I move into a new flat next week as well. yay.
i hate moving but i suppose it will all be worth it once im in and settled!

where are you moving to Bones
tis Tuesday early Morning! ohh joy i have another fun day planned ahead for myself!

you madam will regret that you ever set eyes on me! i shall impale you like a chicken kebab
if you want to be my friend, can you leave a few comments in my journal or something? i'd prefer not to be emailed unless its a private topic and its hard to want to be friends with someone who i haven't gotten to know yet...
well here i am at 6 in the morning wide awake and with no work today apart from stuff i gotta do at home! What have i got to tell you all?? Nothing really just though I would write something down and see what it looks like once i have finished! So excuse me if it turns out to be drivel!
Moving house in a...
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Hmmmm, well i'm working this weekend?? How about the next one.... that would be the 10th???

Best to start as soon as possible, and then we have to think of ur costumes! I have a degree in costume design so thats no problem, just need an idea....
How about Badgers?? or skunks??
wednesday today! got thursday and friday off so thank f*ck fo that! Today will be slightly manic though as they will try to get me to do the 2 days off work all today!..
Just got told yesterday that my moving into a new house that was planned for end of january has now been brought forward to December 2nd!.. I suppose it will be...
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Welcome to the site!

Thank you for taking time out to welcome me to this excellent site! In fact site sounds too distant.. community maybe sounds better! I just hope it can stay like i have found it. Not to get too big and commercial! I expect that some people maybe think that this is already the case (people who were lucky enough to join this experience at an early stage).
Love fatality's journal..most of it goes straight over my head with any words that have more than two cyllables! What I lack in articullation I make up in other ways! (I hope).

Great photo's Fatality...the set photo's yes! ..but what I like most is your own pics that you have chosen to share with people within your journal. I will be checking the journal out on a regular basis to see if it makes me any more intelligent!