Fisrt day of the new job today! just lots of admin at the moment! Went to try and get on a induction course but they were full up. Took us 15 mins to get there and that was useing the onsite bus!
I visited the garage my Beetle is at today to see they have done anything... amazingly they have. the ya re putting the...
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I visited the garage my Beetle is at today to see they have done anything... amazingly they have. the ya re putting the...
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A customer did come in while i was in the robot suit..they just carried on asking me"how much is a belly button piercing..and can you do it now?" haha like they didnt even notice i had a box on my head. hehehe

Well i think lifes finally gonna cut me some breaks...
I had a couple of bed orders today! Start my new job next Tuesday... a idea i had a year ago is gonna be turned in to reality middle of next week and that moment of genius a year ago is going to change my life for ever! For the better of course.
My Beetle...
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I had a couple of bed orders today! Start my new job next Tuesday... a idea i had a year ago is gonna be turned in to reality middle of next week and that moment of genius a year ago is going to change my life for ever! For the better of course.
My Beetle...
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yeah i finally picked the clue up in jackies journal! ... when she had the gloves on did that not give you a clue? lol
got offered the job that i really wanted! increased my pay by 50% fuckin luvin it! lol
Good news! Congrats.
EXACTLY! Thankyou!!

had an interview yesterday! went really well! Had an interview today went even better!
had a job offer this morning! told them to go away and come back with a sensible offer!
have two interviews tomorrow one that i quite scared of getting... and the other would be my ideal job working with some good mates in a large company earning bucket loads of cash!...
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had a job offer this morning! told them to go away and come back with a sensible offer!
have two interviews tomorrow one that i quite scared of getting... and the other would be my ideal job working with some good mates in a large company earning bucket loads of cash!...
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job hunt went good today!
went for an interview at 2 and then was offered the job at 3:15 50% more wages than i was on! better job............ lifes looking fairly fuckin rosey
went for an interview at 2 and then was offered the job at 3:15 50% more wages than i was on! better job............ lifes looking fairly fuckin rosey
of course im a jedi!
bought a 14 foot trampoline yesterday! it wont fit in my fucking garden! lol
Im having to dig some trenches about a foot wide and plave the thing on a sloping area! will be great but bloody hard work digging through stone and hard clay!
Went to an easter egg hunt yesterday with my boys....our friends have a massive garden so was real fun! my...
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Im having to dig some trenches about a foot wide and plave the thing on a sloping area! will be great but bloody hard work digging through stone and hard clay!
Went to an easter egg hunt yesterday with my boys....our friends have a massive garden so was real fun! my...
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Hehe thankyou
And I like my weird comments!
Your trampoline sounds like so much fun!

And I like my weird comments!
Your trampoline sounds like so much fun!
fun but bloody knackering
Went for an interview at Honda today! .........mental! interview was set for 10:10am afternoon interview at 13:15
all very precise!
Everyone wears white work suits! from shop floor guys to the managing director! No ties or suits allowed! bells and buzzers go off 3 mins before a break to let them know that they should start thinking about finishing what the y are doing ......
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all very precise!
Everyone wears white work suits! from shop floor guys to the managing director! No ties or suits allowed! bells and buzzers go off 3 mins before a break to let them know that they should start thinking about finishing what the y are doing ......
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i did see a large white furry cat!
what's with all the white if you are working around muck muck?
must be a right bugger to get dirt out and to stop it going chewing gum coloured
must be a right bugger to get dirt out and to stop it going chewing gum coloured

1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet and current street name)
Ziggy Fosseway
2. YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: (grandfather/grandmother on your dad's side, favourite candy)
Lewis Spangles
3. YOUR "FLY GIRL/GUY" NAME: (first initial of first name, first two or three letters of your last name)
4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite animal, favorite color)
Crocodile Red
5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city...
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Ziggy Fosseway
2. YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: (grandfather/grandmother on your dad's side, favourite candy)
Lewis Spangles
3. YOUR "FLY GIRL/GUY" NAME: (first initial of first name, first two or three letters of your last name)
4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite animal, favorite color)
Crocodile Red
5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city...
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My rock star name is Smokey Queens. That's awesome!
well i have been job hunting , have a few interviews coming up over the next few weeks! I go and see some graphic artist tomorrow to get my other business idea off the ground! (maybe i wont ever have to go back to a "normal" job if this idea works..of which i am sure!
I quite like not having to get up early and...
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I quite like not having to get up early and...
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That's some damn expensive fencing!
hey you back!!! yes tooooooooooo expensive! cheaper to put land mines around the perimitter!
well what a fuckin week that was! Friday i resigned from my job! As the company is absolutly shite, They are working it into the ground treating the employees with distane. I just couldnt stick it any more! They new this a couple of weeks ago and suddenly guess what im up for a disciplinary meeting where i go the inside word that they were...
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hehe thankyou

good luck with the job hunting..
dunno why they rejected it..?
hope you had a good weekend
dunno why they rejected it..?
hope you had a good weekend

FOUND MY DOG!!! WOOHOO WAS PICKED UP BY A OLD COUPLE ON FRIDAY NIGHT WHO THOUGHT THE DOG WAS BLIND....becasue he has a wall eye! Bright blue and stunning! Anyway got the boys all back where theya belong

LOL just as i thought everything was going good...the wanker that calls himself the production director has decided my face no longer fits and wants to sack me! Why? you guess is as good as mine! Something about not hitting sales targets! well fuck me with a big stick!! i thought we were all working as a team with apparently a no blame culture! what a crock load of shit that is! its laughable really! they have brough all this stuff up about not repling to e mails and crap! Even though the reply was verbal and apparently was good enough for him at the time!
I would cry if the reasons wernt so fuckin daft!
They better make sure they are bullet proof over the next week or two as im seriously pissed off now! I already have something to sack the chief buyer! And one of my suppliers is very racist! i found that quite bad taste when i visited them last week!
I would cry if the reasons wernt so fuckin daft!
They better make sure they are bullet proof over the next week or two as im seriously pissed off now! I already have something to sack the chief buyer! And one of my suppliers is very racist! i found that quite bad taste when i visited them last week!
thats great news