Have you ever had a day that just made you want to break down and cry? Yea, well, that's been the last few days for me. I'll spare you the details but here are the basics:
-- I am not getting enough hours at work
-- I hate my job
-- I am just about broke
-- My relationship is a bit on the rocks
-- My (ex) g/f is apparently doing great without me
-- My friend somewhat left me to screw some girl tonight
-- I don't have anything to do because I am not a member of the FD yet...
So yea, there's my little bitchfest. I needed to get it out. God, life just sux sometimes...
-- I am not getting enough hours at work
-- I hate my job
-- I am just about broke
-- My relationship is a bit on the rocks
-- My (ex) g/f is apparently doing great without me
-- My friend somewhat left me to screw some girl tonight
-- I don't have anything to do because I am not a member of the FD yet...
So yea, there's my little bitchfest. I needed to get it out. God, life just sux sometimes...

i didn't leave you to screw some chick... sorry, it was a bummer anyway