welp, its friday, thank god. i need a break. this week has been nothing but stress. my teamin Assassins has been chased all over campus by the team that was hunting us, The Deadly Viper Assassination Squad. They are some of the elite and shot us a total of some 30 times i think. But now, luckily, the assignments have changed and we, the Jackass Saints, are hunting them. Before yesterday, they were an unkillable team. Now, they have at least 5 kills on them. We rock.
anyway, fire duty this weekend, o boy. going to the movies tonite to see the Incredibles. Looks like fun (i am a kid at heart
). so have fun this weekend guys and remember:
A bullet in the chamber is worth 2 in the temple.
anyway, fire duty this weekend, o boy. going to the movies tonite to see the Incredibles. Looks like fun (i am a kid at heart

A bullet in the chamber is worth 2 in the temple.

i agree and thats why i am so
because of all the drama in my life. hopefully as soon as i move out of this place things will get back to normal.
i am living in milatary housing and that sucks balls so glad i never ave to deal with the drama again.