The Girl with the Lip Ring
Saw the girl with the lip ring again today.
A star tattoo shooting across her hip
Just above the waist of her low rise jeans.
She was every B-cup fantasy Id ever had.
Her burgundy hair was up,
Her bangs were down.
On her wrist,
A gauntlet of small bracelets,
Running half way up her arm,
Hiding the attempts.
Behind her dark sunglasses
Big green eyes.
Id seen them before.
A shamrock,
Lucky kind of green.
That ring hugging her lower lip,
Created a crease in it,
A fold of perceived sexuality.
She walked past me.
My eyes followed,
Every sway
Of her round hips.
Just then,
She looked over her shoulder,
And smirked.
Maybe tomorrow, I said,
Maybe tomorrow.
This is a working poem. you're currently looking at the 3rd revision and i'm still going. It's friday and nothing to do. done with class for the day so i am planning on, u guessed it, sitting on my ass and doing nothing. however, i have to go meet with I.T. because my computer is being an asshole and i have truck check with the fire department at 4:30. fun day for me.
Saw the girl with the lip ring again today.
A star tattoo shooting across her hip
Just above the waist of her low rise jeans.
She was every B-cup fantasy Id ever had.
Her burgundy hair was up,
Her bangs were down.
On her wrist,
A gauntlet of small bracelets,
Running half way up her arm,
Hiding the attempts.
Behind her dark sunglasses
Big green eyes.
Id seen them before.
A shamrock,
Lucky kind of green.
That ring hugging her lower lip,
Created a crease in it,
A fold of perceived sexuality.
She walked past me.
My eyes followed,
Every sway
Of her round hips.
Just then,
She looked over her shoulder,
And smirked.
Maybe tomorrow, I said,
Maybe tomorrow.
This is a working poem. you're currently looking at the 3rd revision and i'm still going. It's friday and nothing to do. done with class for the day so i am planning on, u guessed it, sitting on my ass and doing nothing. however, i have to go meet with I.T. because my computer is being an asshole and i have truck check with the fire department at 4:30. fun day for me.
I loved reading this! it's great. In fact I'll even read it again!
but i drank all the whiskey!!!!
thanks, that was awesome!