Well, the burlesque show last nite was unbelievable! First off, bloom. performed. They rocked. The lead singer was so energetic and carasmatic. The second band, Sluts of Truth, well, they sucked. First off, it was only two of them, so it was a White Stripes kind of deal. Second, the lead singer looked like Officer Dangle from Reno 911 in leather pants. They just sucked. The loudest the crowd cheered for them was when they said it was their last song.
Finally, the girls came out. Nixon, Stormy, Ravenisis, Sicily, Pearly, Reagan, and Shera as MC. It was amazing. Act after act, the girls were hot and the moves were unbelievable. As a finale, they all came out and got into a whipped cream/ chocolate sauce fight.
It was so hot. If anybody gets a chance to see this show, go! it was the greatest.
Finally, the girls came out. Nixon, Stormy, Ravenisis, Sicily, Pearly, Reagan, and Shera as MC. It was amazing. Act after act, the girls were hot and the moves were unbelievable. As a finale, they all came out and got into a whipped cream/ chocolate sauce fight.

Laready came through my area, unfortunately I missed it.

Yeah I imagine it was pretty good, not as pissed about missing that as I am alkaline trio, They camw in december but I took the ex out on a date that night instead to try and get her back, man what the fuck was I thinking????