Well, V-Day was an interesting one. The girlfriend and I headed an hour north to Concord, NH where we checked in to a hotel room and didn't leave for the majority of the weekend. I was treated to everything from choclate covered strawberries to a massage and so on and so on. Needless to say, it was the best V-day in a long while. After all, there's nothing like sex by candle light. Sappy, i know, but oh so true.
More Blogs
Tuesday Dec 14, 2004
Well tomorrow the school newspaper is going to be released to the cam… -
Friday Dec 10, 2004
hey guys. new update on the photo theft and censorship. I just hung s… -
Monday Dec 06, 2004
Well, yet another chapter in the theft of my photography. this mornin… -
Friday Dec 03, 2004
Well, i now have a new reason to dislike humanity. yesterday, i found… -
Monday Nov 29, 2004
Hey guys, i am back on campus after a great holiday. thanksgiving was… -
Tuesday Nov 23, 2004
I am getting ready to bust out the FPC campus today to head home for … -
Saturday Nov 20, 2004
well, 3 days until i get to go home for thanxgiving. i am so stoked. … -
Wednesday Nov 17, 2004
Yesterday really sucked. and i don't mean "eh it was a crappy day" su… -
Sunday Nov 14, 2004
It's sunday, and it has been such a great fucking weekend. it has be… -
Thursday Nov 11, 2004
hey guys, nothing to report really. i didn't go to bed last nite. jus…