First back in a regimented classroom environment went well.
I like my psych prof, and I think I'll grow to like my English prof as well. She seems like an embittered old woman on the outside, but on the inside I suspect that she has the spirit of a weird younger woman. I like that though. It generally means a nice lame sense of humor.
Its been storming for 2 days straight. Only this morning did I finally have the courage to run barefoot into my backyard and close the shed door thats been banging in the wind the whole time. I couldn't go near it at night because its scary out there, and during the day I just kept forgetting. It was scaring the hell out of me late at night when it would bang suddenly.
This kind of weather makes me wish I had a real raincoat with waterproof materials and a hood and everything. And I would love some galoshes.. I was wading through puddles yesterday around campus in converse. I froze through most of the day.
I'm taking the same 2 classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays which are an hour and a half apart. Yesterday i spent the time in my car reading and fogging up the windows. I suspect my car will become something of a portable office if I fall back into my habit of procrastinating on my homework until the last second. Well, I guess it wouldn't be the worst thing to leave the reading until the last minute. i just really need to stop trying to hammer out papers in the 45 minutes before the bell.
I want to start establishing goals with my gym going.
As much as I try to fight it, my mom jogs, my dad is a marathon runner, and I'm built sturdy. I think inexorably I will be pulled towards running like the moon's gravitational pull rakes the waves across the sand.
Well, I do have a masochistic streak. And endurance like a mother fucker. I guess running isn't the worst thing in the world, just something I've developed a stigma about because of my dad always trying to push me into it when I was young and chubby and just wanted to be left to my bookworming. Plus, it is supposedly the best form of exercise.
So, I think my goal will be that by the end of 2010, I can run 5 miles without stopping.
I like my psych prof, and I think I'll grow to like my English prof as well. She seems like an embittered old woman on the outside, but on the inside I suspect that she has the spirit of a weird younger woman. I like that though. It generally means a nice lame sense of humor.
Its been storming for 2 days straight. Only this morning did I finally have the courage to run barefoot into my backyard and close the shed door thats been banging in the wind the whole time. I couldn't go near it at night because its scary out there, and during the day I just kept forgetting. It was scaring the hell out of me late at night when it would bang suddenly.
This kind of weather makes me wish I had a real raincoat with waterproof materials and a hood and everything. And I would love some galoshes.. I was wading through puddles yesterday around campus in converse. I froze through most of the day.
I'm taking the same 2 classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays which are an hour and a half apart. Yesterday i spent the time in my car reading and fogging up the windows. I suspect my car will become something of a portable office if I fall back into my habit of procrastinating on my homework until the last second. Well, I guess it wouldn't be the worst thing to leave the reading until the last minute. i just really need to stop trying to hammer out papers in the 45 minutes before the bell.
I want to start establishing goals with my gym going.
As much as I try to fight it, my mom jogs, my dad is a marathon runner, and I'm built sturdy. I think inexorably I will be pulled towards running like the moon's gravitational pull rakes the waves across the sand.
Well, I do have a masochistic streak. And endurance like a mother fucker. I guess running isn't the worst thing in the world, just something I've developed a stigma about because of my dad always trying to push me into it when I was young and chubby and just wanted to be left to my bookworming. Plus, it is supposedly the best form of exercise.
So, I think my goal will be that by the end of 2010, I can run 5 miles without stopping.
Best of luck with your classes and your running goal! ![wink](