So we are now into 2013. I'm not sure what is going to happen this year. 2012 ended on a sour note with me losing my job, but the rest of the year was pretty good. My immediate concern is getting unemployment benefits and finding a job. I got to get those sorted out by the end of the month or I won't be able to make rent. The thought of being homeless isn't a pleasant one. I'm trying not to freak out about it and I don't want it to set a tone for the rest of the year. I want this year to be a good one. One where things start falling into place. I'm also going to try some resolutions. Normally I'm not one for resolutions but I've been thinking about these for a while now so the new year seemed like a good time to implement them. Things I want to work on this year: learning to let go of things (I have a lot of little reminders of past times and clothes I don't wear anymore), caring more about my appearance (this will range from shaving more often, buying new clothes and to start working out again), use more lotion (I have dry skin sometimes) and most importantly to spend more time with my cats (I need to play with them more often

I did start the year off by throwing a lot of things on eBay. Better to get them out of my place and into the hands of folks who'll enjoy them.