I had a great fucking day. I went to class and aced my spanish test. Then afterwards I went and picked up mike our bass player and we hungout with Mika for a little bit. Then we all went to Tony's and rocked the fuck out. It's cool getting a chance to hang with the guys again. I never got to much when I was...
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so yeah soo not moving i will have to go over the whole story with you one day when we have more time. hope you are feeling better and that the hang over is all gone. im a sane girl biggrin so i wont be one to drive ya nuts. thanks for the advise and we do need to figure out the whole hanging out event. blush biggrin
whatever, you boys are way more confusing than us ladies. girls will talk and talk and talk. boys and their inability to express their feelings and you say we drive you crazy!! wink

lets see, jason is this guy and i like him alot (like middle school girlie girl crush). he kind of has some issues that he is working on right now, which makes him unavailable at the moment. i know i need to just suck it up and tell him how i feel. but the overwhelming feeling of being rejected is not something i want to deal with right now. anyways, i am sure i will get the balls to tell him eventually.

well babe, glad you got an A on your spanish test. i will call you closer to the date of your concert to get all the specifics. xoxoxoxoxo kristen
I had my spanish study group last night. I drank a lot of wine and cooked. im hung overrrrrrrrrrrr.
nips are doing great. love them! how are you ? is the hang over gone? remember what you told santa baby about those. have a good day
uh oh, hangovers are a bitch..... hope you're feeling better. i have the 30th marked, so me and lilacdreams will be over to see your show. see you later. xoxoxo kristen
I skipped my math class this morning to sleep. Im glad I did. Im still trying to get back into the swing after having the summer off. This cute hungarian chick flirts with me everyday. she doesn't look any older than 22, but she's 31 years old. I'm sure nothing will ever come of it. She has too much going on . six classes, works...
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Hey glad that you're back. Things today are alot better than yesterday. Thanks for the midol tip, if I ever drink again I will keep that in mind. Hey when is your show?
i know right it was nuts but santa baby fixed it all and even left flowers soo sweet smile glad you are back
Had band practice sat morning we are getting our set really tight. it's going well. Hash and Alex had a BBQ saturday night it was cool. I saw my old friend Maggie and I made some lemon garlic shrimp. I had to get up early this morning and go help my pop around his house. He's got thrombosis in his left leg. He's gotta get...
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sounds like you are doing well take care and i ll talk to you later. good night smile
good idea i might play the game either way if i leave the day that is my last i am going to go in the office and give her a piece of my mind smile have a good day. and thank you
Had school today. Its going well. Spanish is my only fun class. I had band practice afterwards. I went ok. we are working on getting our set tight. I miss sleeping next to someone. I think it's effecting the quality of my sleep. Im going to bed goodnight all.
hey so yeah it was nice to talk to you. glad you like dane cook i love him hes my fav and i love santa baby for taking me ! shes the greatest ! yeah hate ybor! some bitch tried me soo not cool! anyways have a good night catch you later take care smile
hey there how are you doing? i hope all is well. so we should soo come out and meet you or vice versa you come out here or we can meet in the middle . ill get with santa baby and we shall think something up. take care wink
Pretty normal Day. It was slow at the shop so I was able to get my homework done. got off of work and hung out with Mika for a little bit. he showed me some songs he wants to cover. some good some bad. then I went and did laundry and now I'm going to bed. Boring Boring. oh well goodnight all.
hey, im sorry we never got to hang out. i have no excuse other than the idea of meeting someone i met online kind of freaked me out. but im over that so maybe we could get together. i was thinking maybe me and some friends could come out to st. pete and see your band play. where did you get your tattoo done at?? i went with lilacdreams last friday to get her nips done and being at the tattoo shop made me want to get something done. oh well, it is late and i better be going. take care xoxo kristen
why thank you!
I got a new tattoo last week. Another portrait added to the start of my sleeve. Its Frank Sinatra with musical notation coming from his lapel and a martini glass at the base. His eyes are bright blue and it reads: Ol' Blue Eyes, across the top. hopefully pictures will be up soon and I am going to put up the pics of new orleans...
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blue devil by amber she kicks ass . like her alot. and thanks! i tend to like my nipples too smile smile
hey and just wondering why in the world arent you on my friends list???? smile
I am in a wierd mood tonight. got off of work and went to Rachels. we just bullshitted and smoked cigars. god im being such a dumbass, im passing up a good thing solely because i need to be single for a while and maybe because i feel like its owed to me. by the way I just figured out a very off the wall...
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Drug Addicts, Dreamers, Alcoholics, and Hopeless Romantics are all the same type of people, ADDICTED.

Amen, i couldnt agree more. how are things going? glad to hear you are liking your classes. i start back monday, taking 3 this semester. car is going really well. this weekend is the first weekend in forever that i havent worked on it. needed a break i suppose. dont stress about passing up a good thing. i am doing the same thing, i know i could go and jump into a relationship just because, but in the long run i need this alone time to really evaluate what makes me happy. you're not being a dumbass, you will know when the time is right to start a relationship.

well i will let you go, talk to you later. take care. xoxox kristen
School has started and is going well. My math teacher is this crazy french guy who is way to excited about math but its cool. my science teacher sounds like John Kerry ZZZZZZZ. My spanish class is my favorite. Probably because I feel the smartest in that class. also there is this cute ass girl named Holly in there. I want to ask her out...
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Ask the girl out! (hi biggrin )
Yep... I go down there usually just for shows...
Its been a while since I've updated. went out the emerald last night. It was ok. I felt like a jackass because I asked my friend dani how her dad was doing (cancer) and she started crying. apparently he died last week. Last year her mom from cancer and now her dad. crazy shit. I feel so bad for her. I can't imagine losin' my...
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It goes, it goes.... You must go to SPC... (USF starts next week.... lol.) biggrin
On occasion... why do you ask?