I got a new tattoo last week. Another portrait added to the start of my sleeve. Its Frank Sinatra with musical notation coming from his lapel and a martini glass at the base. His eyes are bright blue and it reads: Ol' Blue Eyes, across the top. hopefully pictures will be up soon and I am going to put up the pics of new orleans soon (since it's no longer going to exist after this week. ) sorry to everyone who was nice to us while we were there; that sucks. especially michelle from molly's on Decatur and arriana from banditos. Also my band has our first show scheduled. September 30th at the Uptown bar in downtown Saint Petersburg. We're called THE SINKING SHIPS. Come check us out Bitches!!
blue devil by amber she kicks ass . like her alot. and thanks! i tend to like my nipples too

hey and just wondering why in the world arent you on my friends list????