had a good day off. I woke up at 8 and went and took my parents dog out and fed him. Then I ate breakfast. Sausage and eggs hell yeah. Then I took a four hour nap. After that I went to Mika's and learned our new songs on guitar. After that I went to the uptown and had a drink with Mariel who I havent talked to in a long time. Shes my conversation buddy. I we always have long drawn out talks on cool shit. After that I went to the garden and had a drink with Sam. Shes so beautiful. We had a good time. I am a little drunk and watching Kiss The Girls so Im out. Goddnight all.

heya, thanks for the comment! i'm mostly into people photography. i work as a photographer for a kids photographing company. i guess i love live band photos too.. so yeah. not really down with landscapes or anything. hahaha.. how about yourself?