I have been so sporatic with my updates lately. Did I spell that right? Anyways, school is kicking my ass. I hate math Ive never been good at it. I love science and history and pretty much everything else. fuck math. Other than math everything is going well. We are playing another show on October 29th at the Uptown again. I heard something about a show at State Theatre too. Hope everyone is well. good day
Math sucks a fat titty. I hate it with a passion, honestly when are we ever going to need to know half that crap they test us on. And if I do ever need to know the square root blah blah blah, there will more than likely always be a calculator somewhere. Anywhoo, totally agree about moving somewhere differently. I just want to finish my bachelors degree (about 1 more year or so) then I can move out of my parents house. Until then I am sponging from them. Well I will let you go. xoxoxo kristen

you know it free ink is great! i have the hook up on that -the only bad thing is that it is soo tempting to get lots of them! glad to hear from you and we need to hang out have a good night. take care jessi