Holy shit am I in a bad mood. And it's all the more infuriating that I have no idea why! I have this sneaking suspicion that Im getting progressively more manic-depressive as I get older. My fear of this isnt helped by the fact that my father is manic-depressive. My mood swings are getting more extreme and more frequent. I suppose it cant help that I quit smoking two weeks ago, quit drugs a few months ago and have upped my caffeine intake by an order of magnitude. I also managed to scare myself today because I was in such a bad mood I couldnt really work (my work happens to require significant mental focus). What if this turns into a regular thing? Wasnt my life supposed to become perfect immediately upon graduation? What do you mean Ive been deluding myself for the last seven years? Now that I dont have any excuses for not dealing with my emotional/psychological problems, they seem to be coming back in force. Argh! I need someone to save me from myself!
And a wonderful person who should go and talk to a medical professional (because we love and trust them SO much... ahem) about what's going on. I'll go with you if you want. I'll help you find someone who isn't a quack and who won't necessarily slap you on some drug without further investigation.
I love you, bootiful butterfly. Call me once you get a new phone, or stop by. Or run upstairs and call me from there AND stop by.
Why do they keep getting older?? Doesn't this mean they will have more baggage?
This is so a sign. I'm DONE.
PPS- Forty.