well ya im kind of freaking out right now.. my whole life (well since ive had a choice) i have had long hair.. well yesturday morning i was bored and handed my roomate a pair of scissors and told her to "chop it off" well.. i have short hair now and im freaking out haha.. its alright i guess.. i have a crappy camera phone pic of it for now.. when i get my webcam working again ill get a better picture but for mow here it is
yep yep.. dammit im stupid.. oh well.. it grows back..
remember kids.. dont play with scissors..
on a sadder note.. 4 of my friends are in the hospital from a car wreck. they hit a tree.. my really good friend broke pretty much every bone in his face and his hip.. one friend is ok cuz of an airbag.. another broke his jaw and his wring.. and another friend broke his back and his nose. i went to the hospital to see them. the one that broke his.. well.. face has to stay for awhile so they can wait for the swelling in his face to go down for surgery and he had surgery for his hip today.
well ya im kind of freaking out right now.. my whole life (well since ive had a choice) i have had long hair.. well yesturday morning i was bored and handed my roomate a pair of scissors and told her to "chop it off" well.. i have short hair now and im freaking out haha.. its alright i guess.. i have a crappy camera phone pic of it for now.. when i get my webcam working again ill get a better picture but for mow here it is

yep yep.. dammit im stupid.. oh well.. it grows back..
remember kids.. dont play with scissors..
on a sadder note.. 4 of my friends are in the hospital from a car wreck. they hit a tree.. my really good friend broke pretty much every bone in his face and his hip.. one friend is ok cuz of an airbag.. another broke his jaw and his wring.. and another friend broke his back and his nose. i went to the hospital to see them. the one that broke his.. well.. face has to stay for awhile so they can wait for the swelling in his face to go down for surgery and he had surgery for his hip today.
It will grow back.. don't worry.
Sorry to hear about your friends. Worry about them, not your hair.