today is one of my last days in Bs As Argentina
soo its really sad in a way BECAUSE this city is gorgeus and i dont visit all the places
ahahaha so ill comeback =)
yesterday we went to the Chinese neighborhood its was really fun
and we buys some things to eat ahahahha
we dont knew exactly what flavour have
but the packaging are... Read More
I spent excellent days in here
This city has beautiful places, I love that old departments in here my dream is to live in one of them
besides that i meet some girls in here the gorgeous Cereza and Ence
the two girls was photographed by Talena the results are excellent ...
I have 4 good days in Bs As Argentina
what a great city full of noise and people such a beautifull places great architecture
the days are really hot especially yesterday in the afternoon
god!! besides that we really enjoy this city with Talena
ahahah Talena is really happy few days back
she was photographed with the gorgeous Cereza
the photographers are Gabo &... Read More
heeeeeeeeeeyy otra vez yo!!
le dije a lenoree ya.. como esta lloviendo, es mejor pasar las fotos para el martes te parece??? quiza se pone lindo y podamos hacerlas en la pile d emi casa de san fernando como le dije...
y si no podemos improvisar algo adentro.... o aca en donde vivo yo en fin....
quedamos para el martes?? misma hora 10 am..?
hey tomorrow is the day !!
ill be travel to Argentina next to my sweet Talena we hope
the trip will be nice because definitely is a long trip (around 20 hours)
we cant find any airplane tickets =( are very expensive and the cheapest option was full til february 26
and we need to back to Chile previous to the B day of my... Read More
que buenoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! yo estoy llegando el viernes a las 6:30 de la maana asi que,buenisimoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo......
Tal vez a la noche podamos salir todas las chicas no?......que divertido!!!!....muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
ooooohhhh shit !!!
today i recive a good new
MIKE PATTON comes to Chile on march 25 !!! im soo fucking exited
i have to share my happiness with you guys
Mike Patton for me is an inspiration
Not only is the best singer of the nineties and the 21st Century
is also an evil genius
there is no limit to his capacity, any vocal... Read More
ptaa pipeeeee viste ke ahora me meto too los dias cn esperanza a la pag dps de lo ke tu me dijiste .. " cualkier dia aparacera tu set en primera pagina " aaaaaaaaaaaaaa jajajjaa kieor morirr
un besooo cuidate
nos vemos SB xD
jajajajaja siiiiii me ha pasado eso con google quizas que wea le toy diciendo a los gringos jaja los meos rollos sexuales xD
la otra vez puse chile y me salio como australia po ajajaja ese tokee xD y lo peor fue ke lo mande asi ajaja ufff
insisto que si llego a salir en primera pagina le tomen fotos al pc porfa porke con suerte que tengo capaz que no me vea xD
its 01:45 am
what can i sayxD am a nocturne person
i sleep a few hours, 4 hours maybe 5 at most
I REALLY LIKE DREAM but i dont dream very often or nothing that i can easily remember
and i find a little bit boring the whole activity of sleep xD
A LITTLE BIT WEIRD i now but its true thats me ...
here go again...
these days has been a little more quiet
i resolve my problems with my band soon we put on sale our new cd
So, that's one less worry
im exited because this saturday we will have our second photograpy session
wearing the RIDE THE ROCKET tees (great tshirts, great close i want a tshrit like that) =(
hey guy!! thanks for your support in my new set Soft Porn!!! kisses ;P
ey! veo que tus coments son en espaol...lo hablas? besos!
Yo tambin hago edicin de vdeo, pero no utilizo el after effects..debera comenzar a practicar...