BY Talena
well here we go again!!
I have to post something new about my life but my life isnt too interesting in these past weeks at least
well I had the need of returning to the drawing just for fun that was an activity that i always enjoy it
soo im drawing again! YAY?xD
Also I have been investing my time reading some tutoriales of css and other things of graphic design stuff... since my professional live is in full stand by soo SHIT!
I have thought of studying again you know for complement or specialize my skills maybe illustration or motion
Definitively i study in the WORTS moment of the Graphic Design in Chile at least now... Now study graphic design is a dream ... is soo updated and fun MAC and Imac for everyone xD And in some things I am not very self-taught soo " I am Jack's disappointment " (that is soo fight club)
OLSO MY MOM IS A LITTLE BIT SICK HER, DEPRESSION AND TENCION HAVE RISEN A LOT (SHE IS A TEACHER) soo i have to take care of her and her panic disorder and worry about some problems and well frankly I am afraid that her problems of health separate of her vocation she loves her career SOO i dont now if i could handle that see her like that like a bird in a cage.
but maybe " The Sun continues shining " after all... i hope.
thats all !
sorry Not to be so interesting but it was good for me
It is strange but to say the things helps ... dont resolve anything at all is a fact but

BY Talena
i love you my sweet heart you are the best of my life !
i love you Talena...

i love you for ever
Part of Sg's community repudiate the set of Cianuro done by Talena for his suggestive content of violence labelling it of "scary"or something worse!! now what is the difference about the SCARY? mmm... NO! but olso suggestive new set of Chloe and Coley shooted by Missy?titled "Sqweegle" that its already aproved
dont miss understand me i love Chloe has a model she is awesom an the set is well made is an exelente work I love the work of Missy... And we know that this inspired by a movie but
unlike the others i CAN STAND the violence and death and all that subjects in SG
because for me all its a way or form of expression for concept or tell a history in the sets is possible to do finely speaking...
and I NOW THAT SG dont want to be nothing more that the best alt porn site and also great comunity FACT!
for other things you have to search gore pages and porn if you want something else FACT!
BUT! What is the reason for some people of the SG community proved to be inconvinient and angry in excess with the set of these latin girls? i have to ask
BECAUSE for me it wasnt for a bad photography or a girl slightly attractive, for me according of what i read and some people told me was for the concept...
if you dont want to say nothing its OK but think about it...
sorry the basic caveman english
espero que muy bien
me encanta el trabajo de tu novia
ya le dije a ella que el proxmo set lo hacia con ella