Thursday Mar 04, 2004 Mar 3, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email - VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS ariel__: that is a really cute profile pic at least you didn't hear me actually talking to myself - it was this tragic cross between Dracula and Pepe le Pew. go. run. Mar 4, 2004 fortysix_and_two: Eh, wasn't really time to be scared, at least not for me. The first impact stunned me til after it was all over. I was just worried for my friends, but I got the worst of it. Thanks for the concern and message though [Edited on Mar 08, 2004 6:52AM] Mar 7, 2004
at least you didn't hear me actually talking to myself - it was this tragic cross between Dracula and Pepe le Pew.
go. run.
Thanks for the concern and message though
[Edited on Mar 08, 2004 6:52AM]