So the link from yesterday didn't work...I'm not sure why, but maybe it's for the best. the story was really depressing anyway.
I've been feeling lately like something is going to happen, like there is this dark cloud that seems to just be chasing me wherever I go. I haven't been depressed-it's just like this constant omen. very strange.
Um, okay, little teenage boys have...
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the people...well one of the complaints I often hear from locals is not that there's no museums, no theatre, no bookstores, no live music (except for a cover band), & very few community activities that aren't drinkin' at the bar...but that there's no Wal-Mart.
mention Wal-Mart to almost anyone & you'll find yerself enmeshed in a teary, nostalgic recounting of the last Wal-Mart visited, what was bought & HOW CHEAP IT WAS, possibly culminating in an intense orgasm by the recounter (fluttering eyelids, spasmodic thrusting of hips & "" interspersed with inhuman grunts, growls, & moans.)
so there's that.
also...& there've been many expensive University & Government studies proving this with graphs, charts, &'s physically impossible to be more than 20 feet away from a stereo playing "Sweet Home Alabama"
don't ask me how it works, but my battered psyche, twitchy demenour, & tendency to scream uncontrollably whenever I hear the opening notes bear testimony to this.
but the sunsets are, indeed, way pretty.