finally have a little bit of time to update!
So i guess 2010 wasnt what i wanted or hoped it would be. Got my dream job handed to me to just have it snatched back. I have a job now. Its a bit of a commute and isnt the greatest job in the world but it pays nice so i guess thats what matters. We shall see how it works out. Its the only option i have right now so i hope it does.
Still single. Was having fun being single but i am now getting the itch to be part of a relationship. I am too old to be doing the bar scene and i really get nervous with blind dates. My luck just isnt very good in that area.
All my friends seem to be moving away lately so not many people left around here anymore.
Had surgery on my left hand a month ago. Carpal tunnel surgery.I think it will be a lengthy recovery but doing pretty well now. Will need to have my right hand done soon. Need to find a car without a stick shift so i can still drive after surgery.
So many things up in the air around me right now!!!
So how have all of you been????

So i guess 2010 wasnt what i wanted or hoped it would be. Got my dream job handed to me to just have it snatched back. I have a job now. Its a bit of a commute and isnt the greatest job in the world but it pays nice so i guess thats what matters. We shall see how it works out. Its the only option i have right now so i hope it does.
Still single. Was having fun being single but i am now getting the itch to be part of a relationship. I am too old to be doing the bar scene and i really get nervous with blind dates. My luck just isnt very good in that area.
All my friends seem to be moving away lately so not many people left around here anymore.
Had surgery on my left hand a month ago. Carpal tunnel surgery.I think it will be a lengthy recovery but doing pretty well now. Will need to have my right hand done soon. Need to find a car without a stick shift so i can still drive after surgery.
So many things up in the air around me right now!!!
So how have all of you been????

oh my carpel tunnel my husband had ulnar tunnel in his elbow that was making his hand numb he had surgery on it too.