My first fender bender with my new car. Not too much damage but insurance companies are figuring out who was at fault.
Still no job. Its getting a little desparate out there now a days. I just want a nice job doing something like data entry. I really like computers. and am a very quick study, but i do need a little training. Which is what no companies want to take the time to do.
The hunt goes on!
Going home to Colorado for Christmas. Excited to see the family and get a little vacation. If you can call a week and a hlaf with my crazy soon to be cop brother!!
Keep your fingers crossed for me!!
Still no job. Its getting a little desparate out there now a days. I just want a nice job doing something like data entry. I really like computers. and am a very quick study, but i do need a little training. Which is what no companies want to take the time to do.
The hunt goes on!
Going home to Colorado for Christmas. Excited to see the family and get a little vacation. If you can call a week and a hlaf with my crazy soon to be cop brother!!
Keep your fingers crossed for me!!

Hope all is well - by the way - that second profile picture is AWSOME!!!!