Happy Happy Joy Joy!!
Well i started the new job a few weeks ago and so far so good. Its a good salary and i basically only really have to work 25-30 hours per week with weekends off.
Of course i am having to get used to being at work early but that isn't so bad. I can kinda be my own boss and as soon as business picks up the money should get quite a bit better!
I had an absolute fabulous weekend! Spent loads of time with a great person who makes me feel really amazing! I hope i have the same affect on them!!!
Shopped my heart out and got a bunch of cool things!
I am now off to learn how to play the Sims!
Wish me luck!
Well i started the new job a few weeks ago and so far so good. Its a good salary and i basically only really have to work 25-30 hours per week with weekends off.
Of course i am having to get used to being at work early but that isn't so bad. I can kinda be my own boss and as soon as business picks up the money should get quite a bit better!
I had an absolute fabulous weekend! Spent loads of time with a great person who makes me feel really amazing! I hope i have the same affect on them!!!
Shopped my heart out and got a bunch of cool things!
I am now off to learn how to play the Sims!
Wish me luck!

The Sims is soooo addictive!