So, Happy Frickin' New Year people!!! Hope you all celebrated your hearts out!
I had a nice quite evening! Some friends bailed on the get together but the special one in my heart was with me so all was well in the world. And if you have never had fondue, i highly suggested you try it. It was awesome!
We rang in the new year with some champagne that was a bit, well, crappy but it was the thought that counts!
So onto this year. I have new friends, a new show and a new car, which i will like a whole hell of a lot better when i can paint it a color that i like!
And i am forever greatfull for them all!
I don't do resolutions cause they never last past January. So i just say i am greatful!
What are you guys greatful for this year???
Love you all!!
I had a nice quite evening! Some friends bailed on the get together but the special one in my heart was with me so all was well in the world. And if you have never had fondue, i highly suggested you try it. It was awesome!
We rang in the new year with some champagne that was a bit, well, crappy but it was the thought that counts!
So onto this year. I have new friends, a new show and a new car, which i will like a whole hell of a lot better when i can paint it a color that i like!
And i am forever greatfull for them all!
I don't do resolutions cause they never last past January. So i just say i am greatful!
What are you guys greatful for this year???
Love you all!!

the cheapest are 50 dlls. but I don't recommend them...the view sucks...and then 75, then 85, the something else...I don't remember

I did cross that thin line between smart ass and maniac briefly, but things are looking up. I was getting too comfortable in my life anyway. It's time to shake things up.