well this is my first tyme writing so enjoy, I had the worst end to the worst weekend ...
I work as a line Chef at a resort and this weekend was the jewish newyears and boy was it a living hell....
on top of that my highlight of the weekend was seeing my girl, but that didn't happen becuase of her going to school, and all her homework, and all my room mates are ready to pass out, I'm pissed off at the world right now, the one night I have off and nuthin to do
hopefully I'll get to see sarah tomarrow for lunch, but this once a week shit is killing my.
oh well thats life,I'll get through it

I work as a line Chef at a resort and this weekend was the jewish newyears and boy was it a living hell....
on top of that my highlight of the weekend was seeing my girl, but that didn't happen becuase of her going to school, and all her homework, and all my room mates are ready to pass out, I'm pissed off at the world right now, the one night I have off and nuthin to do

hopefully I'll get to see sarah tomarrow for lunch, but this once a week shit is killing my.
oh well thats life,I'll get through it
peace Z A