This is not tv it is not radio it is not entertainment- oh wait, I guess it could still be entertainment:
So it's been about 2 months, thought I'd better make an update lest I get booted...
Got all moved in and stuff. I'm living in the "ghetto" of my not so ghetto town. Crack whores and meth heads, trailer trash and mullets. haha.
I've been taking a lot of pictures lately!!! It's so awesome. A few of my younger friends needed senior pics taken so I volunteered. It's been a hell of a lot of fun, work too, but mostly fun. I'll post some as soon as I get my computer working, definitely future SG material
Works keeping me busy, though I'm getting really peeved about working harder and not getting paid any more... I'm a "trainer" now, yet my boss can't get me a fucking raise. I still get paid the same fucking amount as everyone else, yet I'm pretty much equal to the supervisors. Bull shit. Fuck I guess it will at least look good on my resume.
I'd like to chat about FEAR (not the band, the emotion, the sickness that plagues our society)
I just watched V for Vandetta and wow, it really compares the society these days and how it will surely become if we don't fucking take some action and do something about our government. The government and the media prey on fear, like hungry hyenas smelling the fear of a sick young antelope. They use it against us and try to make us think that they are really helping us and curing everything. In all reality they had a lot to do with the start of the problem in the first place. They use it for their own financial benefit and leave us to pay for their war mongering debts. The patriot act is BULL SHIT- what is this George Orwell's 1984??? Next they will be putting bugs in our TV's and phones and watching every step we make. Yet the real terrorists are getting their payoff for oil, nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction and probably biological weapons and experimentation too. This world it going to shit before our very own eyes. And I can almost guarantee it's only going to get much worse before our generation is gone. I say face it with all you've got. Fuck fear, living a shit life that they're creating for us isn't going to be any better than being dead anyway. Especially if world war 3 does happen while I'm still alive.
But that brings me to a question, what should we do about this? Other than not supporting the Bush administration, not driving gas guzzlers, and keeping our eyes and thoughts open and not believing the bullshit that they are feeding to us. ???????????????????????????????
we'll all die anyways...
So it's been about 2 months, thought I'd better make an update lest I get booted...
Got all moved in and stuff. I'm living in the "ghetto" of my not so ghetto town. Crack whores and meth heads, trailer trash and mullets. haha.
I've been taking a lot of pictures lately!!! It's so awesome. A few of my younger friends needed senior pics taken so I volunteered. It's been a hell of a lot of fun, work too, but mostly fun. I'll post some as soon as I get my computer working, definitely future SG material

Works keeping me busy, though I'm getting really peeved about working harder and not getting paid any more... I'm a "trainer" now, yet my boss can't get me a fucking raise. I still get paid the same fucking amount as everyone else, yet I'm pretty much equal to the supervisors. Bull shit. Fuck I guess it will at least look good on my resume.
I'd like to chat about FEAR (not the band, the emotion, the sickness that plagues our society)
I just watched V for Vandetta and wow, it really compares the society these days and how it will surely become if we don't fucking take some action and do something about our government. The government and the media prey on fear, like hungry hyenas smelling the fear of a sick young antelope. They use it against us and try to make us think that they are really helping us and curing everything. In all reality they had a lot to do with the start of the problem in the first place. They use it for their own financial benefit and leave us to pay for their war mongering debts. The patriot act is BULL SHIT- what is this George Orwell's 1984??? Next they will be putting bugs in our TV's and phones and watching every step we make. Yet the real terrorists are getting their payoff for oil, nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction and probably biological weapons and experimentation too. This world it going to shit before our very own eyes. And I can almost guarantee it's only going to get much worse before our generation is gone. I say face it with all you've got. Fuck fear, living a shit life that they're creating for us isn't going to be any better than being dead anyway. Especially if world war 3 does happen while I'm still alive.
But that brings me to a question, what should we do about this? Other than not supporting the Bush administration, not driving gas guzzlers, and keeping our eyes and thoughts open and not believing the bullshit that they are feeding to us. ???????????????????????????????

It's good to hear from you. Call me back!
yay, you're alive! ^_^