It's getting closer!!! -and yes, I know it's wierd that they have the promoters advertised on they flyer. Yes whatever, they sold out, whatever, I don't care because there are so many awesome bands that I want to see! Of course the Adicts and GBH, but I really wanna see Broken Bones, Final Conflict, Naked Aggression, Varukers, Antidote!

I'm getting so excited about going to LA. It's going to be a blast! I'm driving out there with my roomies and my boy (and hopefully my other friend). Road trip in my new car! Yay

I'm going to be in a movie with a bunch of other hot SG's!!! A horror movie on top of that

Also to make this the best journal entry ever- my FIRST SG SET WAS ACCEPTED!!! I shot it for Joey and it turned out so hot! I can't wait till they put it up

And the set that never was for those of you that haven't seen it yet:
OK, here is a special something for all of you fans out there. It's been over a year since I've had a new set up and I thought everyone deserved a little update.

If you've already seen it and don't want to see it again, that don't fucking click the link...
The set was shot by RailH with the help of Sharon and I. Thank you again for your help.
Hope you enjoyed the XTRA long journal entry.

yea that was not kewl....grrr

Holy shit, I just heard about the riots at British Invasion! Are you alright sweetie? Did you smash up some coppers?