Finnaly got an SG acc!
More Blogs
Monday Sep 14, 2009
Back from a week in the woods with some friends and 800 other people!… -
Sunday Sep 06, 2009
My LARP stuff is finally done and with 2 days to spare! Now I just ha… -
Monday Aug 31, 2009
So I finally bound a book in leather! Quite happy over the result, st… -
Saturday Aug 29, 2009
I'v fixed a few last things or the LARP I'm going to the 8th of septe… -
Friday Aug 28, 2009
So I'm almoste done with my red inqusition coat! and It's turning out… -
Saturday Aug 22, 2009
Sadly the sewing didnt start yesterday, but we started today! not all… -
Thursday Aug 20, 2009
I help a friend sew up the finishing touches of his coat yesterday, a… -
Wednesday Aug 19, 2009
I'm trying to get a hold of wooden plats for a LARP event I'm going t… -
Sunday Aug 16, 2009
Today I'm going to a meeting about some plans for a trip this septemb… -
Friday Aug 14, 2009
So, I'm gonna spend a week at my mom's, so I got internet again!! SCO…
So what do you think, is it worth it?
have fun and meet people
you are cute
Pink Crystal