So boils and gouls it's been a while since my last post and for that I appologize, I let SG go to the back burner for a little while since I had other obligations to tend to, but now that that's all through I can update everyne on the lack-tacular events that have past. Let's see, I was busy looking for a new job, since my job is sucking even more so than per usual and thus boredom has set in and I must find a new profession rather soon. So I have been busy making copies of my resume and sending them off to various places. No interviews yet, but that's okay with me since I'm not in too big of a rush to find a new line of work, sure I can't stand where I am right now, but I don't want to rush future employers into hiring me, they can take their time filtering through the resumes and apps as long as mine sticks out, which I made it so it does grab their attention. I called a few places and they said they would look at the resume they have on file as soon as they could, some even said I have a great phone personality and they will get right on that application and resume review and call me back to schedule intervies, so that's a plus. Now I just have to wait and see what they say when a hot pink pixie style hair do is staring them in their dull boring faces
I have an insider at Centennial that told me he thinks the Pink Hair would be a big plus for selling cells to the girlie girls and he's an Assistant Manager for the local Centennial in my neighborhood, so that is a damn good lead. Then there is another girl at Target who says she is sure they would hire me to sell jewelry or Girl's clothing even with my facial piercings because Target is trying to appeal to a younger crowd these days and the local Record Shoppe Manager is in love with my style so we'll see what happens when she runs my info by the head guy tee-hee. My personality sells itself and the "unique" look helps I guess. Anyway, My boss at Steak N Shake frowned upon my sudden hair change and told me to change it to a "normal" color or not come back. I came back to work, but I didn't follow his instructions exactly, I came back with "normal" hair, but it's "normal" fake hair.....that's right I wait tables in a fuckin wig! HaHAHAHAHA!!! That'll show that bastard! Oh and the best part is as soon as I am off his clock and mostly out of uniform I take that wig off right in front of the customers and shock the shit out of them. The other day when I did that right in front of my last remaining table of 40 year old somethings and in front of my boss the table gasped and then proceeded to gush about how fabulous my hair is and proceeded to ask me why on earth I had to wear that silly wig when they thought my hair was stunning and interesting. My boss was livid I mean I could see the steam coming out of his ears and when he tried to give me shit I just smiled and pointed at the clock above the head and flashed my time card at him...."You don't own my ass right now, I'm on my own time you fashion nazi". Man did the 40 year old somethings love that response they laughed and smiled and proceeded to tell him they found me pleasant with the pink hair or the brown hair and they felt it made no difference. Maybe I can change the way corperate feels about the stupid dress code, but I'm not out to try really. Moving on, I turned 23 on September 8th and Dik and I just celebrated our two year anniversary together yesterday. It was nice. He didn't get me a present for my birthday, but he did at least make up for it on our anniversary by buying me this dress I really wanted and taking me out to a nice steak dinner with wine and all that, it was a lovely evening. Then we went to the beach and got ice cream while walking along the shoreline kicking sand at each other all playful and cute. So all in all I guess it wasn't a bad Birthday/Anniversary with the love of my life. In other news, the day before my birthday I got the tragic email that "You are so cute, but your theme just isn't what we're looking for." letter from SG. Another set rejected, damn damn damn. Oh well, I suppose life ain't all bad. I have planned a simple as can be set that involves Jack D, my pretty new dress, and cherries. I say simple because it's going to be in a plain dining room with the sun setting through the patio window and I will be enjoying my moment in Whiskey Heaven. I'm done with all these super plain and super busy bright sets for the moment. Appearantly the first set isn't supposed to be super bold and eye grabbing and well written like my last set. I mean literally, I wrote out a script of stage directions for that last set and it was still rejected, so fuck it, lets go Plain Jane and see what that'll get me. Enough ranting and such I'm tired and need to get some sleep, I have to go to work in the morning and stuff.


Super cute picture!