Hello all! I have been off being sick with possibly the H1N1, or something to that effect all week. I had to work overtime for the past 2 weeks as well which is really nice for the money, not so much for my health. I have been so tired lately. zzzzzz.. ooops almost fell asleep. LOL.

Hope you all are doing well, I am coping...
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Aw, get well soon!!
Thanks. ^^ I'm glad you're feeling better? How was your day? Anything exciting? I know you said that your life can be boring, like mine, but sometimes cool things happen.
yeah... new job... not really... but it sucksfrownpuke zzzzzzzzz...... exhausted.
Yes, you read that right! I am married, but I Need Pussy!!!! HELP!!!love
If ur in Maine any time soon, hit me up yall!

This message was brought to you buy my new fave song " The Mission"
Thank You PUSCIFER!!!lovelovelove
dammit Maynard why does your music get me so damn HORNY!
won't b on for a few days so
Happy Halloween!!!!love
just in time for halloween...your post made me think of this...tongue


I am so cool...
YES, I am that full of myself.... Just having a Squee! type of day!

I am working on a couple of things, like figuring out how to get into cooking school (maybe) I just don't want to feel so old with nothing in my future.

I also just feel pretty cool because all of the new younger girls at work are...
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yay for Squee! types of days!biggrin and go you for bein a trendsetter!kiss
"Just having a Squee! type of day! "
I fucking love you already!
Feeling a little better today. Got some crazy good Greenbud this weekend! Made this day all the better. I am trying not to be so negative in my posts.
Who wants to read about Debbie Downer all the time.

Wah, Wah....

Well, Gonna go watch some Football! I hope the Pats win it today!

Have a great day everyone !winkkiss
nice hair!
Sad Today.. I am not going to own a house any time soon. we got our rejection letter on Friday. Winter sucks living in a camper. I can't save money if we rent... sooo screwed... I don't have credit and don't know how to get it. I don' t have collateral, like a car. I don't drive.... SO SCREWWWWWWED!!!mad
Holy Freekin Crap what a great day. It was just beautiful and windy! I love this weather in the fall. Plus my b-day is coming up on Tuesday! 26 Bitches!! NOW I am starting to feel a lil old... oh well! Life is to damn short!

Too much shit to do. I need to go buy some Lobster!! 2, maybe 4. They are pretty cheap!...
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well it's not every day that someone offers to pay me thousands of dollars, in advance. tongue
yay for good days!smile
my cousin & her man in bar harbor do the lobsterman thing....when i came to visit, he got fresh lobster straight outta the traps for dinner...crazyshocked
26 is sooo not old....cuz i just turned 27tongue
ok tech problems, my pics r too big frown hope to have them up soon!
New Pics... Our wedding! tongue
Things are better this afternoon... or at least I am dealing better with them. I am just sorta accepting the fact that life and death happen and regardless of how I feel there is little I can do to change any of it.

I love the pics from your wedding! It looks sorta like I want to have, a nice small back yard wedding... too bad J24U already has a list of 100 people. You two look super cute together biggrin
Drive-by comment: The colour in your third profile picture is spectacularly vivid. Nice!