Ahh, new month, new post. Doing the stuck in between life thing. Still trying to figure it all out. I am just so damn smitten for the guy I last talked about. We shall call him Q just to protect identity. lol! But I think I am crazy about Q!! Grrr. It drives me nuts but he makes me so giddy. and the sex is...
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But if it weren't for vida loca... Never mind that, I dont even want to imagine it. lol
Have had a crazy past few months. Won a radio station contest to be a spokes model with 9 other girls. Its alll fun and stuff. The D.J. from the station wants me. So I acted on it. He is really cool and different. I like him a lot. Well i did stuff with him and his lady friend a few times. He is a...
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In order to be lost, you most first be aware there exist a place to which you belong. By knowing this, one merely has to return to that place in order to once again be found.

Cheer up my friend... life is what it is, and it is all we got.

Have you tried talking to a few folks in the Poly group? They may have a helpful perspective.
OMG I can't believe I have been gone for so long... Well My husband and I have decided to sort of open our relationship a bit. We are both allowed to sleep with other women!!! biggrin I love him so much! It's all so funny actually... He really has come around to being supportive of my sexuality and inevitably his own. I have never been so...
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So... searching for a girl?
Hey all its a new day and a start to a new me. I am trying to be more responsible for myself. I need to save money and start taking care of myself better.

Well, Happy Independence Day Everyone!tongue
it's always good to see ya.
So I have made the decision NOT to become an SG. I do not want to be under contract with anyone. I want to be able to be free to do my own projects. I still love the site and all of my friends here but I am gonna do this for me. I also don't want to even try to compete with like 15000...
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I think we can all respect that! Growing is good for all of us.
Woo, Hello ladies and Gents, and Everyone in between. I am in such a crazy mood as I write this. A good mood if U must know! I have been doing some soul searching and trying to decide what to do with my life career wise. I think I might become a nurse. I am not fully sure though, as I don't like the idea...
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Hello all its been too long. Trying to get pics on of my hair, but apparently, they r too big.. Things are alright. Anyway... So how is life guys? Anybody do anything interesting lately?wink
I am sporting the blond/ pink look on my hair for now. I actually kinda like it. I am gonna go hit my new punching bag today out in the garage. Then maybe hit the treadmill for a bit. I got a new Kittie on Thursday. Her name is Pipsqueak. She is just so tiny and cute. She is also identical to my cat Bear...
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Holy crap it is raining bitches for me this month! 2010 Is FAN-Freakin-Tastic!!! WOOO HOO!

Got my money, pics coming sooon!!!! Hopefully with a new tat on my shoulder!biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin
geez, it's only been snowing here.