I'm gonna tell everyone about my day, but not to get sympathy. Only to let everyone know just how fucked up some days can be. So...
I woke up this morning, showered, brushed my teethies, and everything seemed to be going fine. I woke up my sister around 6am and milled around for a bit longer. Then, we both walked into the kitchen at the same time to start coffee and such to find the weiner dog (yes, we inherited a weiner dog last week, but we're trying to give it away) walking around with a dingle-berry hanging out of her butt. Seriously. Nasty.
So my sister proceeds to let the dog out the back door, only to find that the deadbolt won't flip. Within 1 minute both of our dogs are staring at her like she's crazy for asking them if they wanted to go outside, only to keep them trapped inside.
After several minutes of both of us attempting to open the door, we opt to bust out the screwdriver and take the damn deadbolt off the door. Done.
After the doggies came back into the house a few minutes later, the weiner dog crawled under my bed. Bastard.
So now both my sister and I and on the floor in my bedroom attempting to get her out so we can both leave. We try sweet-talking, tempting her with treats, scare tactics, and nothing is working. I ended up lifting up the bed while my sister crawled under and grabbed the weiner dog. Finally.
Nope, not done yet. Apparently the temptation of the weiner dog with treats pissed off the Bassett Hound, so she started throwing a fit when we started to walk towards the front door to leave. My sister tried to hold her back while I opened the door and tried to escape. Didn't happen that well...I had coffee all over me, and the dog got outside anyway. Yep, it was dark outside, the dog is running all around, I have coffee all down my arm, I have 4 bags on my shoulders, I'm already 30 minutes late, and it's freaking cold.
I went to my car to put my bags down to help out my sister that was chasing the dog. However, the sound of the car door openning sparked the doggie's interest, and she promptly ran over and jumped in my back seat. Eventually we cornered her in the front seat, my sister picked up her fat butt, and we finally got the dog inside.
That was just my morning. But I won't torture you with my afternoon too. Let's just say traffic on Central Expressway in Dallas, TX sucks much ass sometimes.
So, lesson learned: we all just have some fucked up days.
I hope you have a good day.

I woke up this morning, showered, brushed my teethies, and everything seemed to be going fine. I woke up my sister around 6am and milled around for a bit longer. Then, we both walked into the kitchen at the same time to start coffee and such to find the weiner dog (yes, we inherited a weiner dog last week, but we're trying to give it away) walking around with a dingle-berry hanging out of her butt. Seriously. Nasty.

After the doggies came back into the house a few minutes later, the weiner dog crawled under my bed. Bastard.

Nope, not done yet. Apparently the temptation of the weiner dog with treats pissed off the Bassett Hound, so she started throwing a fit when we started to walk towards the front door to leave. My sister tried to hold her back while I opened the door and tried to escape. Didn't happen that well...I had coffee all over me, and the dog got outside anyway. Yep, it was dark outside, the dog is running all around, I have coffee all down my arm, I have 4 bags on my shoulders, I'm already 30 minutes late, and it's freaking cold.

That was just my morning. But I won't torture you with my afternoon too. Let's just say traffic on Central Expressway in Dallas, TX sucks much ass sometimes.
So, lesson learned: we all just have some fucked up days.
I hope you have a good day.

That's a bet you'd lose, cuz this place is a MESS!!! Lately, I've been coming home, throwing my stuff on the couch and going straight for the computer. Hope you are having a better day than yesterday. Tomorrow is gonna be a toughy. INVENTORY!!! Pray for me, even if you are not religious!
Hey! Pity! Just what I wanted. Thanks. My guess: 2.5 skillion. Give or take a million.