Hey guys! Its been a while huh? Well unfortunately no video update this time, I"ll try and include one next time I promise!
These past couple of months have been super crazy for me, so if it seems like I suck at responding, I'm so sorry! Work has been super crazy with only having half of a full staff right after our remodel and trying to keep things 100% running. Thankfully I'm a badass and have been killing it at work!
Then my life in general has been crazy too! I've had tax people start to come after me for my ex-husbands taxes, (They are going after me because they want money for a local tax called RITA for 2010. 1: we weren't even married in 2010 and 2: he didn't even live there during that year.) gotten a speeding ticket, my father tried to re-enter my life (if you know me, you know I avoid my dad and that side of the family like the plague.) my bank froze my account on payday for no reason (Oh, and the day after payday my rent was due. That was fun.) and pretty much anything else you can think of to go wrong happened! (Including my bank then "loosing" one of my car loan payments! How do you "loose" a payment???) Its been rough keeping my head up and staying positive, but I've been trying my hardest. I know I sound like I'm just being whiney so I'm sorry for that, but I feel like I can come to you guys about anything. <3 The only real up has been the amount of overwhelming love on my new set! I'm so thankful that its still sitting at 99%! You guys are amazing!! I can't ever express how thankful I am to be a part of the community, you guys always know how to put me in a better mood and it warms my heart.

Okay, sad stuff aside things have been awesome too! I promise! Joe and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary and I couldn't be happier!
he has been the most involved and considerate human being I have ever met! I've known him for so long, over 6 years at this point, and I'm glad we're finally dating! 6 years of secret crushes on each other have finally paid off haha

I also got to see tons of babes at Alissa's sleepover! I don't have any pics but I know I"m tagged in some on instagram! <3 It was so nice seeing all my old friends again and making some new ones!
It was Joe's brithday as well, so I baked some delicious goods for him. Chocolate cupcakes with real strawberries inside!

Then I got my sleeve worked on some more (Its finally coming together!) Ashely added a new piece, I'd show you but its only about 50% of the way there! Once its finished I'll share! But here's the stencil

Also, in case you're ever wondering what Zephyr does in her free time? This is pretty much the story of my life. I hang out with my nook tucked away in my bedroom with some veggies and no pants.

Yep and uhh.....oh yeah! I started juicing more! Its so much healthier and tastes great!

Om nom nom
Also, would you just look at how long my hair is getting?? Crazy!

Okay, I think thats it! Sorry its very uninteresting, but I miss all of you dearly! <3

These past couple of months have been super crazy for me, so if it seems like I suck at responding, I'm so sorry! Work has been super crazy with only having half of a full staff right after our remodel and trying to keep things 100% running. Thankfully I'm a badass and have been killing it at work!
Then my life in general has been crazy too! I've had tax people start to come after me for my ex-husbands taxes, (They are going after me because they want money for a local tax called RITA for 2010. 1: we weren't even married in 2010 and 2: he didn't even live there during that year.) gotten a speeding ticket, my father tried to re-enter my life (if you know me, you know I avoid my dad and that side of the family like the plague.) my bank froze my account on payday for no reason (Oh, and the day after payday my rent was due. That was fun.) and pretty much anything else you can think of to go wrong happened! (Including my bank then "loosing" one of my car loan payments! How do you "loose" a payment???) Its been rough keeping my head up and staying positive, but I've been trying my hardest. I know I sound like I'm just being whiney so I'm sorry for that, but I feel like I can come to you guys about anything. <3 The only real up has been the amount of overwhelming love on my new set! I'm so thankful that its still sitting at 99%! You guys are amazing!! I can't ever express how thankful I am to be a part of the community, you guys always know how to put me in a better mood and it warms my heart.

Okay, sad stuff aside things have been awesome too! I promise! Joe and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary and I couldn't be happier!

I also got to see tons of babes at Alissa's sleepover! I don't have any pics but I know I"m tagged in some on instagram! <3 It was so nice seeing all my old friends again and making some new ones!

It was Joe's brithday as well, so I baked some delicious goods for him. Chocolate cupcakes with real strawberries inside!

Then I got my sleeve worked on some more (Its finally coming together!) Ashely added a new piece, I'd show you but its only about 50% of the way there! Once its finished I'll share! But here's the stencil

Also, in case you're ever wondering what Zephyr does in her free time? This is pretty much the story of my life. I hang out with my nook tucked away in my bedroom with some veggies and no pants.

Yep and uhh.....oh yeah! I started juicing more! Its so much healthier and tastes great!

Om nom nom

Also, would you just look at how long my hair is getting?? Crazy!

Okay, I think thats it! Sorry its very uninteresting, but I miss all of you dearly! <3

legs with literature! Awesome
i just might be in love with you....