Hey y'all! I've been so busy moving into my new place and I haven't had wifi at work lately, so I'm very behind on blog homework. It's Sunday though, and I'm procrastinating getting any work done, so it's time to write a blog!
5/8: What would you like to accomplish in the next year? I just moved into my very own place for the very first time. I'm looking forward to being a bit more comfortable financially (start-up costs are a bitch, especially when you don't own anything) and settling into a solo groove. I've been working my ass off at the shop, and in the next year I'd love to attend more conventions (Hell City Phoenix, here we come!) and integrate myself more into the tattoo industry (look for me in an issue of Inked Magazine soon!). What I DON'T want in the next year is to get into another relationship. I'd love to have a full year of solo-Z time to experience things and travel and be a fully self-sustained entity.
5/15: What are you afraid of? Failure, I guess. I am a bit scared that I am in an industry that won't be around forever, and I don't really have a backup plan aside from doing hair, which is terrible on my body. I'm afraid that I'll start having health problems and I won't have anyone to help me. All of these are only valid fears if I feed them, though. They're fears people have pounded into me because they want me to pay for a college education I don't want, to sit behind a desk I'll hate. They want me to "settle down" and have a husband and kids, but that's not my idea of happiness. I'd rather talk myself through my fears and be happy than settle for a life I never wanted, to feel "safe". Also I'm terrified of snakes.
5/22: What do you collect? Ink! I have more tattoos than I could possibly count, and my collection is growing all the time. Also, as cheesy as it sounds, I collect memories. I have lots and LOTS of stories about traveling, road trips, sky diving, performing, modeling, moving... I like trading stories like trading cards with people, and hearing their awesome life experiences too! (I also collect books and records, but both of those collections recently got halved.)
5/29: Who are your favorite artists? Share some of your favorite pieces by them! I'm so terrible at answering this question. Anyone that makes art is instantly my "favorite". Some dude drew my caricature yesterday at a strip club and I was like "OMG you're AMAZING!" lol. Two of the artists that got me really into art are MC Escher:
(I have a thing for Tessallations, in case you couldn't tell by the fact that my SG set that was on the FP is called 'Tessellate')
I absolutely love his style. Everything he's done completely draws me in.
And Salvador Dali:
His imagery is so stunning and takes the viewer to a far away, magical place.
I also really love Oleg Shuplyak's Illusions:
Sometime in my modeling career I'd love to be a part of a shoot that creates illusions like Olegs.
6/5: What would you wish for if a genie granted you 3 wishes? This is a tricky one... How intricate can the wishes be? If there were no limits, I'd wish
1) That everyone. EVERYONE could be financially stable and afford good healthcare and housing. It bums me out that I even have to wish that.
2) To be able to Dr Manhattan myself into space for a minute whenever earth is too much to deal with, or to my family's house when I'm homesick, or to Disneyland whenever... Basically I just want to be Dr. Manhattan but with big blue tits instead of a big blue schlong
3) Unlimited chocolate cake. I mean the really gooey stuff that has at least 3 layers with hot fudge in between and chocolate chips and the whole 9 yards. Also, it's got to just appear when I want it. None of this "redeem this voucher for your free cake" nonsense.
So that's that! All caught up! I also really wanted to thank everyone for all the incredible feedback and love you've put on my set 'AntiFragile'! It's already to almost 2100 likes and 450 comments! It would be so great to see it on the FP, and I can't thank you enough for your support! Also, thank you to everyone who hung out with me on the SG Periscope the last 3 Fridays! I had an absolute BLAST broadcasting! You can always catch me on my personal Periscope @zephi_suicide & on Twitter: @zephyrnouveau, & IG: @zephi_suicide. Now that I'm more or less settled in my new place, I'll blog more often, I promise.