I haven't written anything since Zombie33 came for his visit - I think because I was too busy sulking!
soooo......feel free to ignore my nice big ramble that follows.....
so Zombie33 came to visit me from the states for about 2 weeks (he left on the 2nd Sept). I still can't fucking believe how amazing the visit was and how slow and fast the time seemed to go all at still amazes me to think of how well we got on and.....just fuck
HAAHAA!! i still don't know how to describe it 
walking away from him at the airport when he was leaving was one of the hardest things I've ever had to fucking do
anyhow, so the plan is for him to come out for'll take a couple of months for him to get all his shit together in the states and to arrange the visa crap etc..... and its so hard right now!! my house feels so empty now without him and all I want is to be able to snuggle up to him again....but I keep telling myself that he will be here soon - and then we won't have to count down the days until he leaves again...... I find myself sulking a lot!
but I don't really mind - I'm all sad and mushy because he makes me so happy and I know he will be out here with me soon

anyhow....some pics....

soooo......feel free to ignore my nice big ramble that follows.....

so Zombie33 came to visit me from the states for about 2 weeks (he left on the 2nd Sept). I still can't fucking believe how amazing the visit was and how slow and fast the time seemed to go all at still amazes me to think of how well we got on and.....just fuck

walking away from him at the airport when he was leaving was one of the hardest things I've ever had to fucking do

anyhow, so the plan is for him to come out for'll take a couple of months for him to get all his shit together in the states and to arrange the visa crap etc..... and its so hard right now!! my house feels so empty now without him and all I want is to be able to snuggle up to him again....but I keep telling myself that he will be here soon - and then we won't have to count down the days until he leaves again...... I find myself sulking a lot!

anyhow....some pics....
and just because....
and so ends my ramble....for now at least
ramble anytime babe!