Somehow, the idea of speed-dating (you know, those social gatherings where people pair off for five minute "dates" to try and find someone they'd like to date IRL) makes me sad. I have a friend who says "you have to try it!" This from the friend who failed by saying to me--a former lead singer for a few actually well-followed rock and blues bands back in the day--that I "just have to try karaoke! It's sooooooo much fun!!!" With all due respect (seriously) to those who p0wn the mic and rock them, Amadeus; that, to me is like masturbating to a picture of your ex. Anyway, back to speed-faili--er, dating. I just see this as a concentrated fail for lots of people. Aside from that, I'd just feel too pressured. Anyhoo, I'd be interested in hearing if anyone has any experience with speed-dating, and what they thought. I'm willing to be convinced I am wrong.
But I digress (can you digress if you haven't actually stated a premise yet, ZT?)
Long blog warning:
On other fronts, I'm thinking of breaking up with my "girlfriend", you know, to go along with my divorce. Looks like it's time for a complete re-boot.
I feel like I'm being taken advantage of in a number of respects. She's not doing it maliciously--more subconsciously. But still. She likes my attention, and my help, but she's not very inclined to spend time with me--at least as much as I want/need. That includes sex. This is interesting to me because when we do have sex, she gives off every signal that her mind is being blown. I've been doing this sex thing for a few years now, and it's sorta hard to fake that on me (sorry ladies; no matter what Harry & Sally may have illustrated, a well-trained man can read involuntary vaginal muscle contractions pretty easily). But the other night after we were back from seeing the Sisters of Mercy show, and we're in bed, she tells me--in essence--that the sex is for my benefit and not her enjoyment. Keep in mind, this was me physically pleasing her; my Johnny-T was not involved. We often go through these periods where she just isn't into sex. Fine whatever. But to be told that it was pretty much all for me? Uhhh... that math doesn't add up on my chalk-board...
I'm not sure if it's me wanting to think that she feels more for me than she cares to admit (which is a possibility) or if she really isn't all that into me (also possible, admittedly). Either way, I'm not down with investing emotional and intimate energy in a relationship that isn't fully genuine. As it turns out, my marriage was suffering from the same malaise. That's why I asked for a divorce. So I guess that's why I'm thinking I need to end my relationship with my girlfriend as well. I'm entering a time when I must have genuine connections. Must.
But I'll admit that the prospect of entering a period of life where I have no kind of strong intimate physical and/or emotional relationship isn't all that thrilling. I'll even admit that it's a bit scary. I spent my 20's with such an active sex life (pro Dom / sex worker, etc), and my 30's with a number of full-time / regular partners who said they were very into my type of relationship / erotic dynamic, looking at my 40's as a time in my life where I am--for all intents and purposes--starting over, completely alone and wholly and totally on my own for the first time in twenty years is a bit daunting.
On the most practical level, this is hard because I miss sex. I miss being with someone who enjoys being with ME. I miss being with someone who responds positively to my masculinity, and my particular flavor of masculinity at that. More on that later...
This may be the realm of TMI, so those who wish to understand more of me have the option, while those who don't can just skip and read on...
But I digress (can you digress if you haven't actually stated a premise yet, ZT?)
Long blog warning:
On other fronts, I'm thinking of breaking up with my "girlfriend", you know, to go along with my divorce. Looks like it's time for a complete re-boot.
I feel like I'm being taken advantage of in a number of respects. She's not doing it maliciously--more subconsciously. But still. She likes my attention, and my help, but she's not very inclined to spend time with me--at least as much as I want/need. That includes sex. This is interesting to me because when we do have sex, she gives off every signal that her mind is being blown. I've been doing this sex thing for a few years now, and it's sorta hard to fake that on me (sorry ladies; no matter what Harry & Sally may have illustrated, a well-trained man can read involuntary vaginal muscle contractions pretty easily). But the other night after we were back from seeing the Sisters of Mercy show, and we're in bed, she tells me--in essence--that the sex is for my benefit and not her enjoyment. Keep in mind, this was me physically pleasing her; my Johnny-T was not involved. We often go through these periods where she just isn't into sex. Fine whatever. But to be told that it was pretty much all for me? Uhhh... that math doesn't add up on my chalk-board...
I'm not sure if it's me wanting to think that she feels more for me than she cares to admit (which is a possibility) or if she really isn't all that into me (also possible, admittedly). Either way, I'm not down with investing emotional and intimate energy in a relationship that isn't fully genuine. As it turns out, my marriage was suffering from the same malaise. That's why I asked for a divorce. So I guess that's why I'm thinking I need to end my relationship with my girlfriend as well. I'm entering a time when I must have genuine connections. Must.
But I'll admit that the prospect of entering a period of life where I have no kind of strong intimate physical and/or emotional relationship isn't all that thrilling. I'll even admit that it's a bit scary. I spent my 20's with such an active sex life (pro Dom / sex worker, etc), and my 30's with a number of full-time / regular partners who said they were very into my type of relationship / erotic dynamic, looking at my 40's as a time in my life where I am--for all intents and purposes--starting over, completely alone and wholly and totally on my own for the first time in twenty years is a bit daunting.
On the most practical level, this is hard because I miss sex. I miss being with someone who enjoys being with ME. I miss being with someone who responds positively to my masculinity, and my particular flavor of masculinity at that. More on that later...
This may be the realm of TMI, so those who wish to understand more of me have the option, while those who don't can just skip and read on...
Short form: I want to be wanted. Just like everyone else. I may be an exceptional man in many ways, but that desire is still there. That need is still present. And it is unhealthy of me--psychically, psychologically, physically and spiritually--to deny myself that, all because I dislike the cold emptiness of one side of my bed.
Nonetheless, I can see how you'd feel a bit hurt and betrayed by her sentiment, and it's perfectly legitimate for you to feel that you want a long-term partner who has sex drive that more closely matches your own.
I think that speed-dating is silly, and probably superficial as well. I mean, WHY? All you get to know is what the person looks like and 5 minutes' worth of conversation. That is not nearly enough to determine much of anything. Sigh. The dating game sucks so much. I
Do you have AIM? It would be nice to talk to you on AIM sometime. You seem like such a fascinating person that I have some relevant things in common with. If not, maybe phone?