When Zombies Invade! - Part 1 - General Tips

When the first signs of a zombie uprising - ANYWHERE in the world - is seen you need to collect your closest friends and families to one location. The first thing that zombie movies teach us is that a random group of people put under the stress of the invasion will inevitably fuck it up. Also, the friends you collect need to be good old friends and NOT a group of your fellow students and one drunk teacher. This is crucial.
Also immidietly start observing who you have in your group and who is good at what. Also if you are lucky enough to have a male of african descent in your group of people remember that you can send him on any errands. This is because the black man never dies first in zombie movies (unlike in science fiction movies). Atleast not in the good ones. So he will be alright no mater how many zombies are around.
Remember that time is of the essence. The faster you complete all needed steps to survive the better. For the faster you organize the better you are prepared against future menances, beside the zombie problem.
So now that you have managed to collect trusted companies and your most loved ones you need to find a location to hole up in and fortify. However remember that when you are collecting friends and family you must not take risks. This shouldn't be a problem as IF you acted instantly when the newspapers started broadcasting that "THE DEAD ARE WALKING" you should have all loved ones together.
The mall is one of the best places to get supplies of any kind - but a bad choice in the long run. I recommend a whole apartment block, one with a central square between buildings. Of course you need to organize yourself with other possible survivors who live there.
The first step is to block off ALL access points. Leaving one or possibly two which can be opened if needed. These need to be guarded by trusted, level-headed people. So if you live in a apartment block you need to evacuate the people who live on the first floor to the upper floors and board up all windows that are on street level. Do not worry about reinforcing them too much now. We can always do that later.
So now you have a fairly safe location and hopefully enough people that you can create a working mini-community.
The next priority is securing food and water. Because central waterworks can stop working at any time you need to start putting out barrels on rooftops and the courtyard to collect any rain that comes.
Go through the cupboards of all the flats in the block and make an inventory of all the food you have and plan a diet based on what you have. Do not mind if some people try to keep a collection of food and weapons for themselves - this is natural and also smart. You should do the same. If trouble starts in your community you need to force the dissenters into submission of out of the community before they let the zombies in.
Now start organizing raids to nearby stores and take everything you can, that is still edible. Remember that even if milk products and fish will go bad fairly quickly you should always consume them first, and leave the stuff that keeps for a long time to last.
Other raids you need to make:
2)Gas station (remember to have a few cars fueled up at all times for a hasty exit)
3)Gun store - this isn't a first priority because anything can function as a weapon against zombies, but it is necessary.
If you are lucky enough and have a large enough community you can organize all these raids simultaneously. Also remember that the faster you raids these locations the more likely you are to get usefull supplies.
Electricity will also die at some point. If you have the manpower and cars or trucks you should organize a raid to a hardware store and raid all solar panels they have. These need to be set up on rooftops and should always face south.
Remember that gangs of raiders will eventually form and try to attack you. The military is one fo these gangs. Do not trust them and never follow them to a "central secure compound" - either it will get invaded by zombies or they will kill you for pleasure.
Once you are living a fairly secure life start to cultivate a new, religious way of thinking. Religion is one of the driving forces of any culture. The religion or more correctly religious paradigm for thought is that fertility is the most pure and beautiful aspect of human life and that women are bearers of fertility. It doesn't matter of you are a man or a woman. You want and need to fuck and in a situation where zombies roam the streets should you be thinking about monogamy or about repopulating the earth?

When the first signs of a zombie uprising - ANYWHERE in the world - is seen you need to collect your closest friends and families to one location. The first thing that zombie movies teach us is that a random group of people put under the stress of the invasion will inevitably fuck it up. Also, the friends you collect need to be good old friends and NOT a group of your fellow students and one drunk teacher. This is crucial.
Also immidietly start observing who you have in your group and who is good at what. Also if you are lucky enough to have a male of african descent in your group of people remember that you can send him on any errands. This is because the black man never dies first in zombie movies (unlike in science fiction movies). Atleast not in the good ones. So he will be alright no mater how many zombies are around.
Remember that time is of the essence. The faster you complete all needed steps to survive the better. For the faster you organize the better you are prepared against future menances, beside the zombie problem.
So now that you have managed to collect trusted companies and your most loved ones you need to find a location to hole up in and fortify. However remember that when you are collecting friends and family you must not take risks. This shouldn't be a problem as IF you acted instantly when the newspapers started broadcasting that "THE DEAD ARE WALKING" you should have all loved ones together.
The mall is one of the best places to get supplies of any kind - but a bad choice in the long run. I recommend a whole apartment block, one with a central square between buildings. Of course you need to organize yourself with other possible survivors who live there.
The first step is to block off ALL access points. Leaving one or possibly two which can be opened if needed. These need to be guarded by trusted, level-headed people. So if you live in a apartment block you need to evacuate the people who live on the first floor to the upper floors and board up all windows that are on street level. Do not worry about reinforcing them too much now. We can always do that later.
So now you have a fairly safe location and hopefully enough people that you can create a working mini-community.
The next priority is securing food and water. Because central waterworks can stop working at any time you need to start putting out barrels on rooftops and the courtyard to collect any rain that comes.
Go through the cupboards of all the flats in the block and make an inventory of all the food you have and plan a diet based on what you have. Do not mind if some people try to keep a collection of food and weapons for themselves - this is natural and also smart. You should do the same. If trouble starts in your community you need to force the dissenters into submission of out of the community before they let the zombies in.
Now start organizing raids to nearby stores and take everything you can, that is still edible. Remember that even if milk products and fish will go bad fairly quickly you should always consume them first, and leave the stuff that keeps for a long time to last.
Other raids you need to make:
2)Gas station (remember to have a few cars fueled up at all times for a hasty exit)
3)Gun store - this isn't a first priority because anything can function as a weapon against zombies, but it is necessary.
If you are lucky enough and have a large enough community you can organize all these raids simultaneously. Also remember that the faster you raids these locations the more likely you are to get usefull supplies.
Electricity will also die at some point. If you have the manpower and cars or trucks you should organize a raid to a hardware store and raid all solar panels they have. These need to be set up on rooftops and should always face south.
Remember that gangs of raiders will eventually form and try to attack you. The military is one fo these gangs. Do not trust them and never follow them to a "central secure compound" - either it will get invaded by zombies or they will kill you for pleasure.
Once you are living a fairly secure life start to cultivate a new, religious way of thinking. Religion is one of the driving forces of any culture. The religion or more correctly religious paradigm for thought is that fertility is the most pure and beautiful aspect of human life and that women are bearers of fertility. It doesn't matter of you are a man or a woman. You want and need to fuck and in a situation where zombies roam the streets should you be thinking about monogamy or about repopulating the earth?