So... I started putting together this guitar ensemble which should be interesting. I got the score to Steve Reich's "Electric Counterpoint", which is a piece written for 11 guitars, and 2 basses. Incredible stuff. I'm copying the score into individual parts by hand, something I haven't done in ages. We're hoping to have it off the ground by the end of the year, along with an arrangement of Debussy's "Images", an original pulse piece, and possibly "The Rite of Spring" (imagine 11 guitarists playing that...)
So...yeah. That's it. Just being a big dork.
So...yeah. That's it. Just being a big dork.

thank you for commenting on me new set! 

hey...i read your comment on the kermit the frog gif, i didn't ruin it for ya, at least he wasn't doing that to that fat ass pig he's always with! HAHA!