warning long update below read at your own risk
First I would like to thank my friend Julie for such lovely advice about the birds and the bees. I followed all your instructions and must say things turned out pretty well. To think I have so much more to learn you are the best teacher ever
Lets see yesterday I hung out with mrMiah for a bit. Went to a couple of local bars and called it a night. Had a great time thanks man you are the bestest sometimes
Today I took my car to the mechanic to be doctored. I hung out with my friend Julie today and had a blast. We went up to
Graveyard Fields
here is another linkmore graveyard fields We took her kiddies with us and i'm really glad that we did. They are a blast. We played in the river fully dressed and it was great. We rolled around in the grass and got all itchy and dirty. Went stone hopping on the river and had a splash fight. It was a blast kids can give you a new prespective on things. The kids grandparents met us and picked them up and we continued on or way to one of the falls. I really enjoyed myself and it was nice to lay out on the grass and be alone for awhile. Just me and the river. I didn't have to pretend to be happy and make conversation. I spent some time writing about an event I haven't ever been able to really talk about in detail. Julie is a trooper because it wasn't pleasant. I was a mess and she dealt with it. There are few people in my life I can totally breakdown around and not feel embarassed or wierd.
Tomorrow I hope to go fishing and target shooting with my friend Luke. I haven't heard back from him yet but hopefully I will tomorrow. He has been promising to take me fishing for awhile. I have never fished before and right now I want to do things that don't need alot of conversation and social interaction. Luke took me target shooting one other time and it was very cathartic. In the evening Julie and I are having a cook out at Lake Julian. Hopefully it will be fun but I honestly don't feel like going and being social. I would much rather be at home reading a book, sleeping, or writing. But I can always wonder of by myself for awhile.
Monday we are going intertubbing. I'm really looking forward to that. I'm sure it will be very peaceful and relaxing. We might Kayak or rent some mountain bikes afterwards.
I've noticed i'm becoming increasingly antisocial. I don't even want to talk to or hang out with my friends except for a select few. Even within that select few i'm still somewhat withdrawn and defensive. I don't know whats up I guess i'm just going through a loner phase. When we were walking the trail today I just wanted to build a cabin in the woods and become a hermit. I think the deal is that i'm mentally and emtionally tired. I wanna shut down for awhile and just be by myself.
on a lighter note I really enjoy saying cunt, knockers, and cock. I try to restrain myself occasionally I slip. I think you should touch your cunt, cock, or knockers at least once a day
taking a little hiatus. you kids behave yourself

First I would like to thank my friend Julie for such lovely advice about the birds and the bees. I followed all your instructions and must say things turned out pretty well. To think I have so much more to learn you are the best teacher ever

Lets see yesterday I hung out with mrMiah for a bit. Went to a couple of local bars and called it a night. Had a great time thanks man you are the bestest sometimes

Today I took my car to the mechanic to be doctored. I hung out with my friend Julie today and had a blast. We went up to
Graveyard Fields
here is another linkmore graveyard fields We took her kiddies with us and i'm really glad that we did. They are a blast. We played in the river fully dressed and it was great. We rolled around in the grass and got all itchy and dirty. Went stone hopping on the river and had a splash fight. It was a blast kids can give you a new prespective on things. The kids grandparents met us and picked them up and we continued on or way to one of the falls. I really enjoyed myself and it was nice to lay out on the grass and be alone for awhile. Just me and the river. I didn't have to pretend to be happy and make conversation. I spent some time writing about an event I haven't ever been able to really talk about in detail. Julie is a trooper because it wasn't pleasant. I was a mess and she dealt with it. There are few people in my life I can totally breakdown around and not feel embarassed or wierd.
Tomorrow I hope to go fishing and target shooting with my friend Luke. I haven't heard back from him yet but hopefully I will tomorrow. He has been promising to take me fishing for awhile. I have never fished before and right now I want to do things that don't need alot of conversation and social interaction. Luke took me target shooting one other time and it was very cathartic. In the evening Julie and I are having a cook out at Lake Julian. Hopefully it will be fun but I honestly don't feel like going and being social. I would much rather be at home reading a book, sleeping, or writing. But I can always wonder of by myself for awhile.
Monday we are going intertubbing. I'm really looking forward to that. I'm sure it will be very peaceful and relaxing. We might Kayak or rent some mountain bikes afterwards.
I've noticed i'm becoming increasingly antisocial. I don't even want to talk to or hang out with my friends except for a select few. Even within that select few i'm still somewhat withdrawn and defensive. I don't know whats up I guess i'm just going through a loner phase. When we were walking the trail today I just wanted to build a cabin in the woods and become a hermit. I think the deal is that i'm mentally and emtionally tired. I wanna shut down for awhile and just be by myself.
on a lighter note I really enjoy saying cunt, knockers, and cock. I try to restrain myself occasionally I slip. I think you should touch your cunt, cock, or knockers at least once a day
taking a little hiatus. you kids behave yourself

I totally feel you- I can get a bit anti-socail too-WHen you some back from your anti-social state drp me a text or sumthin- I hope all is well PEACE!
I didn't get to say goodbye to you when I left.