So feeling better today. Miah is awesome. As long as we continue to as we have for the past couple of months things will be okay. This is a scary time but there are also feelings of joy that go along with it. Thanks for the support guys. Won't be around for awhile(sleeping and eating for two takes a lot out of a girl) but i'll keep in touch. Hopefully some tummy pics will surface in the future.
* side note* This is one of the few times I can gain 15 or more pounds and feel okay about it. Feel free to come to Asheville and take me to dinner!!
I'll even come to you for free food.
Anyone want to help me figure out this wishlist thing? To bad we are all so far away for each other. I would love to have a babyshower with all my SG friends and family.
* side note* This is one of the few times I can gain 15 or more pounds and feel okay about it. Feel free to come to Asheville and take me to dinner!!

Anyone want to help me figure out this wishlist thing? To bad we are all so far away for each other. I would love to have a babyshower with all my SG friends and family.
I hope you're well!
We love ya, keep in touch, when you can!