And now my favorite holiday of the year has passed.... the fireworks display was good, but it could have been better. My favorites are the ones that look like golden chandeliers. fantastic company though, i couldn't have asked for a better date.
I dont really have much else to write about at the moment... just enjoying the sunshine on the deck anyhow. I think i will be going to get my foot x-rayed soon though. After dropping that picnic table on it at work last thurday, it still bruises when i wear any type of shoe. And now it feels like little pieces of bone are at funny angles (i.e sticking up on top of my foot). I know theres nothing you can do for a broken metacarpal anyhow, but it might be beneficial to know what i should NOT be doing. . hm. tata for now.
And now my favorite holiday of the year has passed.... the fireworks display was good, but it could have been better. My favorites are the ones that look like golden chandeliers. fantastic company though, i couldn't have asked for a better date.

I dont really have much else to write about at the moment... just enjoying the sunshine on the deck anyhow. I think i will be going to get my foot x-rayed soon though. After dropping that picnic table on it at work last thurday, it still bruises when i wear any type of shoe. And now it feels like little pieces of bone are at funny angles (i.e sticking up on top of my foot). I know theres nothing you can do for a broken metacarpal anyhow, but it might be beneficial to know what i should NOT be doing. . hm. tata for now.
Hope your foot is OK. The European trip you are planning sounds like a lot of fun. I actually haven't been to Copenhagen and Prague is the other Euro-capital I wanna visit. Growing up a little French boy, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to stay for a while in most Western European countries. My parents thought that was a good idea to "ship" me aborad to live with families and learn languages--and I ended up loving it and travel with friends. So I've stayed in England, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Sweden -- as well as Vatican & Monaco
Yep, I'd like to see Charleston and all those nice old Southern cities. I also wanna go to Boston (+NY, New Orleans, Miami); I haven't been on the East coast yet.
That's cool you speak different languages (I used to speak German and old Latin but dropped them--I understand partly Italian and Spanish). Do you know where you would like to live? What are you studing by the way?